Jewish people, quite possibly the most suppressed humans of all time.

ol' man

New Member
Anyone ever have a chance to read through this?

While Zionism expresses the historical link binding the Jewish people to the Land of Israel, modern Zionism might not have arisen as an active national movement in the 19th century without contemporary antisemitism considered in a continuum of centuries of persecution.

Time and again, the Jews of Europe were persecuted and massacred, sometimes on religious grounds, sometimes for economic reasons, sometimes on social pretexts, and sometimes for national and "racial" rationales. Jews were slaughtered by the Crusaders when the latter made their way across Europe to the Holy Land (11th-12th centuries), massacred during the Black Death for allegedly poisoning wells (14th century), burned at the stake in the Spanish Inquisition (15th century) and murdered by Chmelnicki's Cossacks in the Ukraine (17th century). Hundreds of thousands of Jews were killed by the armies of Danikin and Petlura in the Russian civil war which followed World War I. The most infamous atrocity of all, the Nazi Holocaust in which some six million Jews were systematically annihilated mainly on "racial" grounds, was perpetrated by Germans, in whose country the Jews had made their most serious attempt to achieve acceptance and social assimilation.

Over the centuries, Jews were expelled from almost every European country - Germany and France, Portugal and Spain, England and Wales - a cumulative experience which had a profound impact, especially in the 19th century when Jews had abandoned hope of fundamental change in their lives. Out of this milieu came Jewish leaders who turned to Zionism as a result of the virulent antisemitism in the societies surrounding them.

France and Germany right at the top of the list as also Russia. These are not by chance the same countries strictly apposed to the war on Iraq are they?

What is it that make people hate this nation so much through the years? The Jews were in Israel 2600 years before the Arabs formed Islam with Mohammad.

Most of the hatred for the US is because of how much it helps Israel. Israel would have been overrun along time ago if it were not for the US's aid and it appears they are pretty much the only ones left.

Here is one last exceprt from this article,

During the year 1936-47, the struggle over the Land of Israel grew more intense. Arab opposition became more extreme with the increased growth and development of the Jewish community. At the same time, the Zionist movement felt it necessary to increase immigration and develop the country's economic infrastructure, in order to save as many Jews as possible from the Nazi inferno in Europe.

The unavoidable clash between the Jews and the Arabs brought the UN to recommend, on 29 November 1947 - the establishment of two states in the area west of the Jordan River - one Jewish and one Arab. The Jews accepted the resolution; the Arabs rejected it.

On May 14, 1948, in accordance with the UN resolution of November 1947, the State of Israel was established.

The palestinians/arabs had a chance yesterday(approx. 60 years ago) to have a state right next to Israel. 60 YEARS IS NOT THAT LONG AGO, ABOUT THE SAME AMOUNT OF TIME FRAME FOR WHICH EUROPE HAD BROUGHT ITS SELF TO WAR, ONCE AGAIN. They rejected it and have been attacking Israel ever since. Apparently the UN thinks defending your country is terrorism. I guess what you do get when France and Russia have veto powers and have a long history of killing Jewish people(You must hate them to kill them, right?).

The UN and EU likes to say America is brutal and heartless. As usual though when you point one finger you got three pointing back at you.


New Member
The Jews were in Israel 2600 years before the Arabs formed Islam with Mohammad.

..unless you see it as more of a semitic concern, in which case everyone was there at the same aside...

...but , yeah...I see where you're going. It's a complex situation, and one of those few incidences where everyone is treated to an ever looping replay of ancient history...

Very interesting.

as an aside....

There was this program on BBC radio today where they had interviewed this Syrian, and there was a question posed relating to both the US and Israel...but the answer was directed at the US solely . The guy said "...when the Muslims ruled the world it was a peaceful place. When the Americans and British came to rule the world it became a place of violence"....

....stop laughing...he really said that....



Well-Known Member
You know i could break it all down and say this, Israel is a tiny piece of land surrounded by Arabs. The land is no different than the land surrounding it. The Israelis have simply found a way to flourish and not at the expense of the Arabs but from the toil of their own hand.
95% of the aggresive action they have taken has mearly been a response to other aggresive action against them. I'm hard pressed to feel pity for the Palestinians as a whole when it's been the Arab world that has used them and kept them in this position.