Judge strikes down violent-game law


Out-freaking-standing OTC member
PowerballWinner said:
So parents are supposed to monitor their kids 24 hours a day huh?

No. The kids have to sleep sometime. Other times they are at school. Once you become a parent, it becomes your responsibility to raise responsible adults. Your job. Not the state, the neighbors, the schools, or the babysitter. If you're arguing this point, then you are obviously not ready to be a parent.

Powerballwinner said:
Sorry but many parents are working.

No problem. Who said they couldn't work? They've got a responsibility to feed and clothe their child as well as teach him/her responsibility. Part of that means working. That's why parenting is a 2-person job. It can be done with one, but it works much better with 2, responsible adults.

Powerballwinner said:
I myself plan on designing and selling a violent computer game and I am not going to advertise it to anyone under the age of 25. I'll make it clear in English that copies of my game are not to be resold to people under 25. It's meant for people who want a simulation of what it would be like to lead a bunch of star systems. I'll even have a special program in it designed to stop the game after a certain period of playing time. What about game companies, who make violent games, that condone people who go to their message boards & say their violent people. Wouldn't you say that the game companies have a responsibility to make it clear to those people that their attitudes must change and if not, then why not?

No, I don't think it's the companies responsibility to 'make it clear'. They are responsible for putting an E for Everyone, a T for teen-agers, or an M for mature folks. Once again, you try to shift parental responsibility over to somebody else. The game company didn't bring that child into the world, so the game company isn't responsible for the actions of that child. The parents are. No amount of BS on your part will change that, and that is exactly what you're shoveling right now. I'll break it down even further, since you either cannot, or will not, understand what I wrote.

1. Where did the child get the money to buy the game?
2. Where did the child buy the game, and who took him/her there?
3. Who's home is the game being played in?
4. Who's internet connection is being used?

All of these answers except for one...unless you're incredibly naive, point in only one direction. The parents. When raising children to function in the world, a parent has full responsibility from birth until age of majority/emancipation. If you are not taking an active role in your child's life, then you are not a parent. If you are blaming something outside of your home for your child's behavior, then you are not a parent. If you spend all of your time at work, and expect somebody outside your spouse to watch your child/children, then you are not a parent. If you think having your child's friendship is more important than having your child's respect, then you are not a parent. Too much of what you stated in your last post is based on ignorance. I pray that you won't have any children before you realize what responsibility is, because it seems to be lacking in your current state of mind.


New Member
ResearchMonkey said:
Yeah, your values are clearly showing.


As far as the Beer pic goes, who fucking cares? If you look closely none of those say: Budweiser, Coors, or Miller. Which means if you really want to get down to the nitty-gritty: they're MICRO brews, and I'm 22. (Look at my age. I can even get my Digital Cam out and snap a shot of my ID if you want further proof) Now, you may be wondering what does it matter? Well, I don't drink them to get drunk. I drink for taste and refreshment. I regularly attend beer fests held here in Portland Oregon, and I avidly discuss beer with actual connoisseurs. I haven't quite got a defined pallet, but it is something I work on.
That picture was also taken a while back. If I had to choose what beers I WANTED to rep as the best in Portland, it would have been different. (Black Butte would still be up there for the Cream Porters, Windmer still owns in Hefe's, Amber has to go to McTarn, The IPA would also go to McTarn for their Oak Aged IPA. Widmer also makes a great Oktoberfest...Want me to go on?)

Your Opinion = technicalities is quite enlightening.


This is very much a conservative vs. liberal issue, again
It is, but it's more a struggle with smart people vs. those who I wish would earn a Darwin Award. (NO, I am in no way implying that they should all die! :D )

I know for a fact that video games and movies smear the line between fantasy and reality. Especially when someone does not have the proper teachings of right and wrong as a part of whom they are.

I don’t play certain games because the “fantasy” it’s based on is not healthy to immerse ones self into that role. I don’t let my kids play anything I disapprove of.

I differ from Gonz in that I do let my kids play some killing games like Ghost-Recon. I think they should know how to kill a specific identifiable enemy if the need arises. I also let them shoot real guns at targets and small critters sometimes. Discriminate killing is a skill, indiscriminate killing is mindless.

They have never seen the movie “Natural Born Killers” and they won’t in my home. They have seen “Saving Private Ryan”, “The Patriot” they understand the history and underlying plot of it all.

I control 100% of what my kids are taught to an age*. They then slowly get weaned and depend solely on who they have become (my doing). If I am not able to be in control during the day, I pay someone that I deem responsible and that will not go against my wishes.

Whos wife was it that originally got the labels put on music and games?
Ok, as far as the rest of this:
Thank you, seriously. I'm glad to see SOMEONE take responsibility for spawning more people in this world.


molṑn labé
Staff member
RM said:
I think they should know how to kill a specific identifiable enemy if the need arises. I also let them shoot real guns at targets and small critters sometimes. Discriminate killing is a skill, indiscriminate killing is mindless.

My kid owns 2 bows & is in the process of learning rifle sports. He needs to know the taste of blood. Killing is not bad. Senseless killing is murder ;)


Well-Known Member
This is a cool judge who knows that it is the family's job not the govt to determine what people and kids can play. kudos to him


Well-Known Member
Gato_Solo said:
I still don't understand why parents, in general, today have so many problems with what their child watches, or plays, on TV. Don't they have enough backbone to do things like toss out games they don't approve of...

The key to parenting is to prepare the child to deal with the world. It is very easy actually.


New Member
Yes I am liberal.

No, I don't think it's the companies responsibility to 'make it clear'. They are responsible for putting an E for Everyone, a T for teen-agers, or an M for mature folks. Once again, you try to shift parental responsibility over to somebody else. The game company didn't bring that child into the world, so the game company isn't responsible for the actions of that child. The parents are. No amount of BS on your part will change that, and that is exactly what you're shoveling right now. I'll break it down even further, since you either cannot, or will not, understand what I wrote.

So you're saying that it's ok for the video game company people to tell the child or adult player that being violent is ok despite what his/her parents told him/her?

1. Where did the child get the money to buy the game?Maybe from friends.
2. Where did the child buy the game, and who took him/her there?
Perhaps at a game store like GameStop and maybe an adult video game junkie - the big brother or big sister of one of his/her friends took him/her there.
3. Who's home is the game being played in?Maybe the friend of the child/adult.
4. Who's internet connection is being used?I don't know, maybe the friend of the child or adult player.

I firmly believe that any game that advocates criminal bodily harm should be outlawed.


Out-freaking-standing OTC member
PowerballWinner said:
Yes I am liberal.

No, I don't think it's the companies responsibility to 'make it clear'. They are responsible for putting an E for Everyone, a T for teen-agers, or an M for mature folks. Once again, you try to shift parental responsibility over to somebody else. The game company didn't bring that child into the world, so the game company isn't responsible for the actions of that child. The parents are. No amount of BS on your part will change that, and that is exactly what you're shoveling right now. I'll break it down even further, since you either cannot, or will not, understand what I wrote.

So you're saying that it's ok for the video game company people to tell the child or adult player that being violent is ok despite what his/her parents told him/her?

1. Where did the child get the money to buy the game?Maybe from friends.
2. Where did the child buy the game, and who took him/her there?
Perhaps at a game store like GameStop and maybe an adult video game junkie - the big brother or big sister of one of his/her friends took him/her there.
3. Who's home is the game being played in?Maybe the friend of the child/adult.
4. Who's internet connection is being used?I don't know, maybe the friend of the child or adult player.

I firmly believe that any game that advocates criminal bodily harm should be outlawed.

Then perhaps you shouldn't have children...ever. If you have no idea who your children's friends are...what they like...or where they hang out, then you, yourself, are irresponsible. Your excuses for how, where, and why the child got ahold of the game are pretty piss-poor, and, since most of these games are upwards of $50.00, then they are also highly suspect. You are the reason that people are no longer responsible, because you blame someone else for your problems instead of standing up and being an adult. You advocate government censorship where the only thing needed is parental supervision. If you do your job correctly, then your child won't even want those types of games. I don't even know why I bother talking to you because you just...won't...listen... :rolleyes:


New Member
Well I'm a parent, last I checked. I am also a person who breaks out into a rash whenever anyone uses the word "censorship". Of course your kids are going to get exposed to this stuff even if you don't have it in the house. But you know what? It's *still* up to you as a parent to make sure they are mentally equipped to be able to discern reality from fiction. And if they aren't, it's *still*your responsibility to have figured this out early enough to get your kid some help.

I am not advocating that minors play violent video games, mind you. But slamming down censorship laws of any sorts sets way too many precedents I am not at *all* comfortable in thinking about.

So yeah, it's up to us as parent to step up, cause even more than keeping our kids away from violence on TV, movies and in games, I think own them the freedom to be able to make choices without censorship when they are old enough.


New Member
So Gato Solo according to you a game company is not at fault if it manufactures a game that is about doing a shooting of fictional high school students. And if a person (who may be a teenager under 18 or 18 or 19 or above 19) plays that game and decides to shoot real life high school students, then the video game company should not be sued/stopped from producing the game? If they shouldn't be sued/stopped, then why not?


New Member
PowerballWinner said:
So Gato Solo according to you a game company is not at fault if it manufactures a game that is about doing a shooting of fictional high school students. And if a person (who may be a teenager under 18 or 18 or 19 or above 19) plays that game and decides to shoot real life high school students, then the video game company should not be sued/stopped from producing the game? If they shouldn't be sued/stopped, then why not?

No, they aren't at fault....How the heck could they be?

MacDonalds isn't at fault for cooking up the "one hamberger too many" for the guy who has a heart attack.
Car manufactutrers aren't at fault for incidents of road rage.
The architects of tall buildings and bridges aren't at fault if someone chooses to jump off of 'em.
And the video game maufacturer isn't at fault for the fact that an obviously unstable child or young adult didn't get the help he or she so obviously needed.

Personal and parental resposability, man. It's an oldie, but a goody ;)

Edited to add: oops!! Sowwy. I butted in with a question for Gato... *should learn to read betterer before posting* :)


molṑn labé
Staff member
PowerballWinner said:
So Gato Solo according to you a game company is not at fault if it manufactures a game that is about doing a shooting of fictional high school students. And if a person (who may be a teenager under 18 or 18 or 19 or above 19) plays that game and decides to shoot real life high school students, then the video game company should not be sued/stopped from producing the game? If they shouldn't be sued/stopped, then why not?



Annoying SOB
PowerballWinner said:
So Gato Solo according to you a game company is not at fault if it manufactures a game that is about doing a shooting of fictional high school students. And if a person (who may be a teenager under 18 or 18 or 19 or above 19) plays that game and decides to shoot real life high school students, then the video game company should not be sued/stopped from producing the game? If they shouldn't be sued/stopped, then why not?
Gotta say I agree with both Gato and Cam on that one. Video games don't make people go out and kill. Mental instability makes people go out and kill. Just because you see it in a game/magazine/tv/whatever, doesn't mean you are gonna run out and do it yourself does it? If you do then you need some SERIOUS help.

E.g. I play an online game called Neocron. This has a strong PvP (Player vs Player) element. However just because I kill someone ingame it DOES NOT mean I will have the sudden urge to run out with a sawn off shotgun and splatter the first person I meet all over the nearest wall.

Blame culture....it's always someone elses fault.


Out-freaking-standing OTC member
PowerballWinner said:
Raven, what would cause mental instability? Negative conditioning? Post traumatic stress syndrome?

Why are you trying to blame outside influences for the obvious lack of parenting skills and responsibilities shown by society-in-general? The blame for any problem that occurs should lie strictly on the shoulders of those who raised a child that decided to emulate a violent game. Shifting blame does not solve the problem, and if people would realize that, then there would be no need for the idea of censorship. If you know your child can't handle certain things, then it is your responsibility, as a parent, to minimize, if not eliminate, those things from your child's life. In plain language, you need to do your job, and not rely on others to do it for you. As long as you shirk your responsibilities, then you will have these problems. ;)


Well-Known Member
PowerballWinner said:
. . mental instability? Negative conditioning? Post traumatic stress syndrome?
Camelyn is right, but so are you; I am going to ride on you coat tails here.

Poor parenting skillz will be your number one cause of screwed up kids, which leads to all three of your causes. Those 3 are most always the parents fault in some fashion.

The kid is you reponsibility, you are responsible for the welfare of the child. That includes paying attention to your kid, providing a safe environment, knowing where you kid is at, and what they are doing.

So PW who is your ISP and what brand of PC are you on? I think I am going to sue them for letting you have access to the Inet and the resulting cluster head-ache I now have from trying to understand you.
