'Kin Aholes!!!! - Rant

Aunty Em

Well-Known Member
:cuss: "Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, FUCK!!!"

I am going to 'kin kill something or someone! I got woken up at 10am after going to bed at 5am by loud banging on my front door... some little assholes have let down the tyres on the offside of my car... not one but both... and not just me, 2 other cars as well. If I ever get my hands on them, which is unlikely, I will wring their fucking necks and chop their hands off so they can't do it again!!! :mad:

Now I'm left sitting here till the rescue service get their act together and come and re-inflate my tyres! :(

Rant over.....
Actually they did slash the tyres... I've just got back from getting 2 new ones fitted to the wheels. Fortunately the RAC bloke did all the hard work of taking the wheels off, refitting them and checking all the tyre pressures....

Katie wasn't impressed though, she was in the middle of a computer game and had to come out with me....
Then they'll just get a slap on the wrist and a "don't do it again" for being naughty... I hope my neighbour finds out who they are, they're more likely to get what they deserve...

I've reported it to the police anyway... it seems there were a couple of incidents in hamlet drive, just across the recreation field, from us as well.
i can't think of a way to get them back. but, i know what a friend of mine did to these hoodlum shitheads that like to play mailbox baseball with his pretty homemade mailboxes. he got some cement and poured it into the hollow piping that held the box into the ground. that way when the jackoffs decided to play ball again, they got a hell of a surprise when they hit the pole. i believe it broke the bat and i'm sure the vandal at least got a sore shoulder out of the deal. stopped 'em from coming to his house......
I'm going to see about hiring a garage from the council on tuesday. There's a bit of a wait, but I have a good case for one close by as Katie can't walk far.
Trouble is it sounds like something I might have done as a kid given the opportunity too... not so much fun when you're on the receiving end though... :eek:
Well, I've tied knots in car aerials, and been an accomplice to some serious criminal damage on a car... :lol:

... wonders whether she should make any more admissions... decides against it...
About 20 feet from my front window... yes. I suspect the council would object to me parking it on the grass under the window. Houses and flats do not automatically come with garages, you have to apply for one and will only get it if it is available.

There is a block of 16 across the street from me and 2 blocks of 4 around the corner in my area, so they are like gold-dust.

What happened last night is very unusual... I have lived here 5 years and this is the first incident of this kind that has happened to me and I know of only one other about 3 years ago.