Korea and Canada Way ahead of the USA?!?


Well-Known Member

I think the key there is as a percentage of INTERNET households. That is, a percentage of people that have internet, not a percentage of the whole population. I'd say in N. Koreas stake in that, you are talking about a very limited group of people that would even be allowed internet access, so the fact that over half are broadband doesn't really surprise me. As for Canada, I don't know, I would have thought we would be higher for that too, unless you've just had a rush of new broadband ISP's up there.
I have the idea that some of the best home-connections are in Canada. I got that from watching the ips of fast senders on mirc.
The percentage isn't higher in America because the price differential between dial-up and DSL or cable is still steep. My dad, for example, only uses the internet for an hour or two a day, if even that. Sometimes he uses it more, but it's certainly not enough in his view to justify the added expense. I, on the other hand, use the internet a lot, and so does my wife. It makes sense for us to have DSL.