Ku´u & Na have a new neighbor...


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Ku'u & Na have a new neighbor...

Oprah buys Hawaiian lots

HANA, Hawaii (AP) -- Oprah Winfrey and her former personal trainer are buying seven shoreline lots to build several homes, including one on a 102-acre lot for the talk-show celebrity, Winfrey's spokesman said.

Winfrey and trainer Bob Greene will put conservation first and keep site development low key, said Bill Newsom, the trust administrator for one of the principal owners, the Gordon P. Getty Family Trust.

Several archaeological sites exist on the Lehoula property, including a cinder cone called "Ka Iwi O Pele," or the bones of the volcano goddess Pele. Lehoula is also the site of the first Hawaiian fish pond.

There will be no building on the cinder cone, Winfrey spokesman Gideon Kaufman said. Winfrey and Greene "want to be good neighbors."

State Sen. J. Kalani English, who lives nearby, said, "We're very pleased that someone of her caliber and sensitivity to people has made a commitment to build a residence in Hamoa village," he said. "We'd like to invite her to meet with the community. We'll have a whole bunch of local food. Will she eat opihi? Will she eat raw fish? We'll try her out."

Source: CNN
Me & Na have family in Hana ... maybe we'll catch a glimpse of her one day, Hana is only so big.

It's reassuring to read that she has some sensitivity about our cultural sites - hopefully she doesn't damage them. They've been around for thousands of years. It'll be a shame to destroy them now.

Someone better warn her of the dengue fever that lurks there :eek:
Fortunately we don't have that here.....

ku'u: have you ever consider getting your kanji avatar back ?, i could retrieve it for you from certain site :D :D
God damn mosquito's. Malaria, Dengue Fever, West Nile Virus... As far as I know, they serve no purpose. We should wipe them out for good. *grabs fly swatter* :mad2:
Thanks Luis! I've tried over and over again to upload my av here ... it just doesn't seem to work for me. Maybe it'll work for you :D

I hate mosquitoes too. Why, oh why, did Noah bring them along on the ark? :eek:
I have been to Hilo on the big island. Nice place. I saw something I think was called Rainbow Falls. The same place also had Hula dancers dancing to Tiny Bubbles. I also got Passion Flower jam there.


Sound familiar?
Dengue fever is also in Puerto Rico and Panama. I'm pleasantly surprised it isn't in Mexico.
I'm kinda impressed and surprised too that she's not going to build .. Hamoa is soooo lovely .. *flashbacks of Kau'i's wedding*..

ol man - Rainbow Falls is in the same town that me and ku'u live in but I didn't know they had hula dancers and stuff .. did you have a good time?
Originally posted by ol' man
I have been to Hilo on the big island. Nice place. I saw something I think was called Rainbow Falls. The same place also had Hula dancers dancing to Tiny Bubbles. I also got Passion Flower jam there.


Sound familiar?

Rainbow Falls = good.
Hula = good.
Passion flower jam = good.

Tiny Bubbles = :disgust:

I hope you had a good time here :D
hmm... I've taken two trips to Hawaii...

The first was to Oahu (sp?), and then the big island. The second was spent in Maui the whole time. I think it was in Maui that we had a traditional pig roast... you know, burried wrapped in banana leaves. Man, that was awsome. And the women! :eek: I'll never forget the women. They're more beautiful than most California girls.
Outside looking in - that's called kalua pig, I just had some at nalani's sister's wedding this past Saturday. *mouth watering*
ku'u i uploaded your avatar, and it works fine....(as you can see)