Links wanted...


New Member
Ok, Have just finished battling the virus that consumed my computers. In the process I have lost nearly everything, as some of my backup CDs were infected and I didnt know it, so rather thatn take a chance... I threw them ALL out.... Very painful. So much lost Information.

Long story short, I used to have all my FAVS saved, now i rely on my aging and failing memory. Uh whhere... what did I want?.... Oh yeah, I want some good links. Anything really, I 'll go threough them and decide what I want to keep. IF you would post some... Fun ones, helpful ones.... no pron , I can find those on my own. IE: HWC, AMDZONE, ebaum's world... etc.



Not really Banned
well, here's my bookmarks since the last time i lost them. they should all be semi-appropriate