linux is gaining ground at OTC


Not really Banned
slowly but surely we're gaining ground from somebody, it just moved over 1.7% in the last 24 hours or so. fury, can you get any sort of trend info beyond what's on the stat page that shows this over time?
Sometimes I check in in Linux, but mostly in Windows. Surely we have more dual booters here, we ought to set a day and see how high we can get it. :D
I was given an old PII 266 by a customer yesterday which will make a nice second processor in my server. And since Linux runs well with 2 processors, I might be persuaded to reinstall.
The only thing the stats counter counts is how many hits come from people on Linux. It doesn't record days when linux hits are higher, nor who specifically stops by while in linux. :tardbang:
Well that's pretty useless. A spam artist whould skew that all to hell. Looks like you need to do some more work on the stats page and get that all fixed up, fluffy;)

Just kidding. Who actually cares?
Linux will be worth using when it is like windows in most ways. The only reason it is gaining ground is because it is becomming more user friendly toward those who are use to windows. A true linux user would use the command line anyway. The gui is just a face on top of the command line.

Dont get me wrong, id love another OS that could stand up to Windows, but it is slow in comming. OS 10.2 is the closest thing, but Apple prices itself out of the casual users hands, and running the most common apps (win32 based) are few and far between for any system other than Windows.

My money goes to Bill, its just another ivory back scratcher for him I know, but even those who hate windows, are probably in front of it reading this :)
chcr said:
Sometimes I check in in Linux, but mostly in Windows. Surely we have more dual booters here, we ought to set a day and see how high we can get it. :D

I'm on a tetra boot :D
I'm dual booting here too. Dumped Mandrake 9.0 after I basically hosed it to the point it would only boot to command line, installed 8.2, installed the Nvidia drivers, the Via Sound drivers, and got the network up again. No problems this time around. I surf with Linux about half the time now at home. Depends if the wife will need the printer as it's hooked up to my computer, but Linux won't install it.
what model printer is it PT?

cupcake said:
Linux will be worth using when it is like windows in most ways.
maybe you should preface that with "For me". I find using linux to be a much better experience than windows. Perhaps it's due to my interest in networks, or my desire to know how my OS works, and what is going on behind the pretty GUI.
A true linux user would use the command line anyway. The gui is just a face on top of the command line.
CLI is my best friend, be it in *nix or windows. don't forget that the windows GUI is a GUI as well, just heavily integrated and about your only "choice".
Dont get me wrong, id love another OS that could stand up to Windows, but it is slow in comming. OS 10.2 is the closest thing, but Apple prices itself out of the casual users hands, and running the most common apps (win32 based) are few and far between for any system other than Windows.
didn't quite understand that one but i'll go with it. almost without exception, every window-based application has an equally capable, free counterpart. Applications, games, support. It's all there.
I admit that many features of the windows world are difficult to replicate, i struggle with some of them every day. I'm assuming your point was that no one has yet put together a totally integrated, all inclusive flavor of linux. However, I think to do so would be infeasible to do while still maintaining the bredth of choices and freedom available currently. linux will make it there, but in the meantime we will happily remain a semi-niche group of elitist bastards who enjoy a good challenge.</rant> lists it as being linux compatible but recommends avoiding Lexmark, it may work but chances are it's not easy or pretty.
I wonder if vmware running windows would be able to print?
Hey, I run office 2000 pro on Linux via Wine. Works just fine in KDE or Gnome. I like linux because I like getting my hands dirty.

Y'know, a printer is the one thing I've never had trouble with. I've done three canons two hps and a samsung (the samsung is hooked to a win 98se box in my wife's office).
i have trouble with my HP laser too, though i think the printer might be getting a bit old, they haven't manufactured that model since '89
I've had no trouble with any hardware installs on Mandrake, they all just work and that includes my new hp 940c printer and my new artec e pro+ scanner. In fact I was impressed by how smoothly everything went. :)

All my mp3s. mpeg files, and vcds run without glitches. My digital camara also works without a problem (doesn't work in 2k - no drivers available) and hopefully my new digital camara when it arrives on Wednesday will also work without a hitch.

The more I use it, the more I like Linux. :)
The Linux user:
As a child took apart dads electric drill on two separate occasions to "see how it worked"

As a teen thought girls were "gross" and knew the green lantern was waay cooler than batman.

As an adult sneered as he made a 6 figure salary as a network engineer, only to be standing in the soup line a few years later when people realized they were way over manned and over paid.

Currently balding, and smelling of cheeze dooldes, hoping that star wars III is better than number I and II.

I'm no better, but it is a funny visual :)
cubcake1 said:
As a child took apart dads electric drill on two separate occasions to "see how it worked"
Put it back together both times. Also fixed his broken pocketwatch.
cubcake1 said:
As a teen thought girls were "gross" and knew the green lantern was waay cooler than batman.
Sorry, band geek back then. Do you know why guys were in the band? Oh, and everyone knew DC sucked.
cubcake1 said:
As an adult sneered as he made a 6 figure salary as a network engineer, only to be standing in the soup line a few years later when people realized they were way over manned and over paid.
Never made six figures, just learning enough to be a network tech. Played in bar bands till I was 36 (remember why guys were in bands?).
cubcake1 said:
Currently balding, and smelling of cheeze dooldes, hoping that star wars III is better than number I and II.
Man, you nailed the balding part (forgot "fat" though) but I can't stand cheese doodles. And they're Star Wars IV, V, and VI regardless of what Lucas says.

:hairbang: :headbang: :beerbang: