LL has 3000 threads


Staff member
| postusername | average_replies | threads |
| drkavnger99  |         77.3333 |       3 |
| JamesMJ2     |         60.0000 |       1 |
| daPirate     |         60.0000 |       3 |
| asphyxiate   |         55.0000 |       1 |
| habanero     |         54.5000 |       2 |
| Guest        |         50.0152 |     198 |
| sjracer      |         49.0000 |       1 |
| Hootermelots |         48.6667 |       3 |
| Gaunt        |         48.0000 |       4 |
| Bill Gates   |         48.0000 |       1 |

When the minimum thread count is raised to 10, it's a different story altogether...

| postusername      | average_replies | threads |
| Guest             |         50.0152 |     198 |
| lacemyster        |         42.7037 |      27 |
| Scanty            |         38.7126 |      87 |
| Spirit            |         32.6111 |      54 |
| Q                 |         31.8846 |      26 |
| greenfreak        |         31.5915 |     142 |
| 75renegade        |         30.8378 |      37 |
| insert penis here |         30.3333 |      42 |
| krusty            |         29.7222 |      18 |
| dan               |         29.2963 |      54 |

Luis G

Staff member
That sure makes all of us top 10 thread startes a bunch of losers, not a single one made it to the top average replies :D


<b>mod cow</b>
can we give unc access to all nifty stat thingies? :D and me while you're at it....i'm a stats whore, and i'm proud of it :D


Off 'Motherfuckin' Topic Elite
You really should consider putting up an sql console for us stat whores to play around with.


New Member
Cool... I'll do a code hack where it crunches constantly and appears as the front page. It will be like a huge stock counter. Floating graphs, 30 day yield curves, quotas...


Staff member
queries can only be run by me. sql console access will give you access to to too much on the site. security issues and all. queries are also too intensive to run on a fequent basis

top averge replies
| postusername       | average_replies | threads |
| Guest              |         50.0606 |     198 |
| lacemyster         |         38.9667 |      30 |
| Scanty             |         38.7126 |      87 |
| Spirit             |         32.6111 |      54 |
| greenfreak         |         32.0909 |     143 |
| Q                  |         31.8846 |      26 |
| 75renegade         |         30.8649 |      37 |
| insert penis here  |         30.3333 |      42 |
| krusty             |         29.7222 |      18 |
| dan                |         29.2963 |      54 |
| AlladinSane        |         28.6316 |      19 |
| Jeslek             |         28.1242 |     934 |
| whoreable          |         27.9022 |      92 |
| unclehobart        |         27.3873 |     142 |
| octal              |         27.0833 |      12 |
| outside looking in |         24.3814 |      97 |
| fi                 |         24.2188 |      32 |
| Altron             |         24.0000 |      67 |
| [b]                |         23.5952 |      42 |
| Coffee Bean        |         23.3684 |      19 |
| fury               |         23.0538 |     372 |
| Vortex             |         22.5263 |      19 |
| MuFu               |         22.4310 |      58 |
| ihcra              |         22.0833 |      12 |
| Squiggy            |         21.8476 |     105 |

top threadp osters
| user               | threads |
| Jeslek             |     934 |
| HeXp£Øi±           |     650 |
| Gonz               |     480 |
| fury               |     372 |
| kuulani            |     366 |
| Leslie             |     304 |
| Justintime         |     289 |
| Luis G             |     286 |
| nalani             |     276 |
| ris                |     218 |
| PuterTutor         |     201 |
| Guest              |     198 |
| Nixy               |     180 |
| Aunty Em           |     160 |
| greenfreak         |     143 |
| unclehobart        |     142 |
| samcurry           |     141 |
| Shadowfax          |     115 |
| sbcanada           |     109 |
| Gato_Solo          |     106 |
| Squiggy            |     105 |
| outside looking in |      97 |
| whoreable          |      92 |
| Scanty             |      87 |
| Ardsgaine          |      86 |

top poll starters
| user              | polls |
| Jeslek            |   136 |
| HeXp£Øi±          |    48 |
| fury              |    22 |
| Luis G            |    19 |
| sbcanada          |    16 |
| Professur         |    10 |
| insert penis here |     9 |
| kuulani           |     8 |
| Gonz              |     7 |
| Ardsgaine         |     6 |
| MuFu              |     6 |
| Altron            |     6 |
| Guest             |     6 |
| Scanty            |     6 |
| Nixy              |     5 |
| MrBishop          |     5 |
| whoreable         |     5 |
| ipmoof            |     5 |
| markjs            |     5 |
| Justintime        |     4 |
| samcurry          |     4 |
| PuterTutor        |     4 |
| dan               |     4 |
| Shadowfax         |     3 |
| tommyj27          |     3 |