LOL, Democat Cites


Well-Known Member
Dennis J. Kucinich 1977–1979 Democrat​
George V. Voinovich 1980–1989 Republican​
Michael R. White 1990–2001 Democrat​
Jane L. Campbell January 7, 2002 – January 2, 2006 Democrat​
Frank G. Jackson January 2, 2006–Present Democrat​

Thomas L. J. D’Alesandro III 1967 1971 Democrat (pelosi's pop)
William Donald Schaefer 1971 1987 Democrat​
Clarence H. Burns January 26, 1987 December, 1987 Democrat​
Kurt L. Schmoke December, 1987 December 7, 1999 Democrat​
Martin J. O’Malley December 7, 1999 January 17, 2007 Democrat​
Sheila Dixon January 17, 2007 February 4, 2010 Democrat​
Stephanie Rawlings-Blake February 4, 2010 – Democrat​

Joseph Darst April 19, 1949 April 21, 1953 Democrat​
Raymond Tucker April 21, 1953 April 20, 1965 Democrat​
Alfonso Cervantes April 20, 1965 April 17, 1973 Democrat​
John Poelker April 17, 1973 April 19, 1977 Democrat​
James F. Conway April 19, 1977 April 21, 1981 Democrat​
Vincent C. Schoemehl April 21, 1981 April 20, 1993 Democrat​
Freeman Bosley, Jr. April 20, 1993 April 15, 1997 Democrat​
Clarence Harmon April 15, 1997 April 17, 2001 Democrat​
Francis G. Slay April 17, 2001 Incumbent Democrat​

Is there a pattern, could you do this with most metropolis shit-holes? 'cause my state is wholly owned by these nuts.
hmmm hey how about "conservative" states like alaska where pretty much FUCKING EVERYONE is on the government dole?
You mean like: our state earns so much money from oil revenue that not only do we not have state income taxes, we refund every citizen cash back every year.

I'm trying to see the down side here.
Silly RM, the feds are supposed to give away money, not your local government
yeah you guys are right. redistribution of that sort from the oil companies to the fed BACK to the oil companies as subsidized workers is much better than...???

you see socialism everywhere else but not in this example. interesting. good luck in your sloppy cartoon universe.
yeah you guys are right. redistribution of that sort from the oil companies to the fed BACK to the oil companies as subsidized workers is much better than...???
What is Green Energy? for $200 Alex.

Did I ever tell you we run my household like a little Marxist colony, and it works great. And it true, socialist like functions work great sometimes. -- I was at the feed store back in February and 'for the greater good' I put $20 into a raffle. Last weekend I was at the same feed store and the manager walked up and told me I had won the big prize. I came home with a bad-ass fire-magic 30" grill (a discontinued model, but still worth $5k). -- Socialism sometimes rocks.

So this weekend, I'm going to be basking in my Marxism and Socialism, BBQ'ing everything in sight like a crazy person, and flying my American flag in honor of those who have served this great nation.

:usa: you even own an American flag minx? Enjoy your freedoms and have a great weekend anyway minx.
Socialism? Alaska is fully regulating the way the oil companies run their business? Explain....maybe I'm missing something
oh right now we're differentiating between nominal and total socialism? what is confusing about redistribution of that sort from the oil companies to the fed BACK to the oil companies as subsidized workers?
upset? no. just wondering why this particular issue prompted the shift. i see a very high level of government involvement and paybacks to a long-established, critical industry. it's institutionalized, strategic risk-hedging in terms of rational economic behavior. i personally don't have a big problem with it because it does ultimately produce a lot of value despite that it's a racket... but really not sure why you don't call it what you know it is in principle, regardless of the color of the teams' uniforms.
the federal level of involvement there isn't significant? sure it's a state issue, but it's not only a state issue when federal money and administration prop the place up.
If only we had a constitutionally limited federal government to oversee our sovereign republican states. Maybe then my state wouldn't be the next Greece.

Damn it all, lets just continue the great society social experiment, maybe another $15-20 trillion thrown at the war on poverty and it will all work itself out. -- Send us your illegals.
yeah if the feds would stop forcing california to make bad decisions WHAT ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT???? CA has been fisting itself... er you want MORE federal control over state gov? WHAT???

oh right random assertions of oppression. you ain't a superstar multi-zillioniare rockstar idol with 27 ferraris because of beaners and the federal government.

at least that's my excuse.
"As California goes, so goes the nation"

IF..., the federal government was limited, constitutionally speaking, there would be competition between states and my state would of had to work much harder to fail as spectacularly as it has. Our long history of edgy legislation would have failed long ago. -- I'm not surprised the hipster-proof coded dots were difficult to connect. What I'm talking about is: a functional and effective system of government we call a republic.


california is fucked because of forces external to itself. right. convenient. everything is someone else's fault isn't it?

but at least you've shown that you are against the kind of arrangement that exists in alaska.

even more impressive, you're arguing with imaginary cartoon hipster agents of collectivism.

oh brave hunter of the land of wind and ghosts, is there nothing in the spirit-dream world you can't conquer?
california is fucked because of forces external to itself.
aaa hijo puta de mierda capullo gilipollas aguacates!


...oh yeah, you don't thats a problem either.

....but really, see, when the money gets laundered by the feds, it easier to hide where you're bleeding the money through leftist policies, less accountability. Competition between state would have made much more difficult to get to the point we're at, which is pretty much screwed. California's chickens are coming home to roost.

I look forward California to becoming the next U.S territory and watching the other states figure out our debt.
"when the money gets laundered by the feds" is exactly what is going on in the alaska example. do you approve of that? (no, i don't expect a real answer, just more finger-pointing at anyone who is not exactly like you.)
Funny, I offer a simple proven solution to the problems, and you want to shake your dick at me and scream like a crazy person.