"Lots of Robots"


New Member
This is worth a look . . . an incredible animated short.

Lots of Robots

Worksafe (if you have a couple of minutes), Quicktime movie (size choices available)

Please comment. :cool:


New Member
Wow, if one man can do something like that... I want to do something like that... someday.

I can't wait to see the whole thing when it's finished. It looks very unique and promising.


New Member
kuulani said:
very cool. one man did it?

Lots of Robots Volume 1 DVD

This is the first release of a series of DVDs that will chronicle the creation of the animated story entitled "LOR". Lots of Robots is the name of the animation company I started in May of 2001. So far there is only one employee at Lots of Robots, me, Andy Murdock. LOR is also the name of one the characters that will eventually appear in the movie entitled "LOR".

I have many goals for this project, one of them is to create an animated story entirely by myself sitting at home using off the shelf software. By using software and equipment that is readily accessible to everyone, I want to prove that anyone with enough spare time and determination can bring their ideas to life without the need for a team of programmers and a big budget. This is by no means an "Attack of the Clones" scale project, but let’s face it, big flashy technology doesn’t make emotion and good story telling unnecessary. I think you can tell a great story and entertain the pants off of people, with tools that are cheap and easy to use.

After years of working for other folks full time (I like them all by the way), I grew tired of having to ask permission to be creative. If you sit around waiting for permission to follow your dreams then you are just sitting around waiting to die. In my case, I simply want to bring a story I have in my mind to life and I don’t really feel like waiting until someone with lots of money likes my idea enough to help me pay for it’s production.

So I think I’ve found a way to make this project happen. I do need money to make the project come to life, I gotta eat after all. So, I’ll make a series of DVDs that you can buy, that will show the film as it is growing. Each new volume will have LOR updated with all the new pieces I have made so far, and also hours of video tutorials showing how I made the newly added animation. If you are an animator, I think you will find these tutorials extremely valuable. Most animation tutorial videos sell for $50.00 - $200.00 so just remember that when you see what I’m asking for this DVD. [$24.95]

I am just one artist not a corporation, so if you like what you see and want to see more, then please help me make this project come to life by purchasing this DVD.

Thank you for reading this,
Andy Murdock

Shadowfax: Buy the DVD, the guy's gotta eat! :D

pc_builder: The DVD includes a tutorial. ;)

Luis: Unfortunately it's sold out. I'd like to see that too - on the bigscreen with Dolby Digital 5.1surround! :eek:

I should get a commission . . . :D