'Loud blast' at Moscow theatre


Well-Known Member
The theatre can seat 1,163 viewers
A loud explosion has been heard in the Russian capital Moscow at a theatre where Chechen rebels are holding up to 800 people hostage.

The blast occurred at 0915 local time (0515 GMT), but it was not clear whether it came from inside or outside or whether security forces had started to storm the building.

It happened after overnight attempts to negotiate the release of the hostages appeared to have failed.

Dozens of heavily armed Chechen rebels are holding the hostages at gun-point after invading the hall in the south of the city in the middle of a sell-out evening performance. The group's leader, Movsar Barayev, says they are a Chechen "suicide" unit demanding the withdrawal of Russian troops from Chechnya.

A brief burst of gunfire was reported from inside at 0605 (0205 GMT).

The rebels told the Chechen rebel news agency Kavkaz-Tsentr they had shot a woman Federal Security Service (FSB) officer who tried to enter the theatre, ignoring their warnings.

Correspondents at the scene, who are being kept at a distance of 200 metres (yards) by police, could not establish the cause of the shooting or confirm the death while the FSB itself has not commented on the claim.

The BBC's Caroline Wyatt in Moscow says the crisis is a major humiliation for Russian President Vladimir Putin, who has cancelled a planned visit to Germany and Portugal.

Two Russian politicians of Chechen extraction, Aslanbek Aslakhanov and Ruslan Khasbulatov, tried to mediate overnight but made no progress. A senior Russian Government official, Alexei Volin, said the security forces had two priorities: to save the hostages and make no concessions to the attackers.

Confirming that the FSB had made contact with the group, he rejected the idea that the hostage-takers could seriously force a withdrawal from Chechnya:

"Hostage-taking does not stop wars, it fans them even further."


Mr Khasbulatov, a former speaker of the Russian parliament, described how the hostages were coping inside the theatre for the BBC after his attempt to mediate:

"They're not very good - I mean, it's a concert hall and as you can imagine, the people aren't very happy. "There are women there. They have released children, but it's not clear if they've released all the children. It's a very difficult situation for us."

The attackers are believed to be holding between 400 and 800 hostages, mostly members of the audience but also theatre staff.

They were trapped when the group burst into the auditorium just as the second half of Nord-Ost, a hit Russian musical, was beginning at the theatre.

The attackers allowed people to contact the media by mobile phone to pass on their demands. One woman hostage, Tatyana Solnyshkina, told Russian TV that the attackers were ready to kill 10 hostages for any one of their number killed if the security forces intervened.

"Please, do not storm the building," she said, adding that the attackers had a "very large amount of explosives".

Other witnesses who either escaped or were freed by the rebels described seeing men and women with explosives strapped to their bodies and wielding assault rifles.

The rebels are believed to have freed about 40 people, including women, children, Muslims and some foreigners, Russian police say.

Rebels disowned

The attackers' leader, a nephew of the late Chechen warlord Arbi Barayev, said he and his followers were "suicide attackers" who had come to Moscow "not to survive, but to die".

"Nobody will get out of here alive and they will die along with us if any attempt is made to storm the building," Movsar Barayev told Kavkaz-Tsentr by telephone. He said that his "mujahideen" gunmen and 20 Chechen women, whom he described as widows, were holding more than 1,000 hostages.

But a spokesman for the official Chechen rebel leadership told the BBC he had no information about who the attackers were and condemned attacks on civilians.

"We condemn any terrorist attacks against civilians," said Aslanbek Khadiev, a representative of rebel leader Aslan Maskhadov at the Hague.

"We don't have any information about that group," he said, adding that he believed they might be "some disparate Chechens trying to bring attention to the situation in Chechnya".

The official leader of Chechnya's Muslims, Mufti Akhmad-Khadzhi Shamayev, condemned the attack on Russian TV:

"Terrorists have no nationality. If they are indeed Chechens and if they are Muslims, they must have at least something sacred in them... They are just giving their nation a bad name."


molṑn labé
Staff member
Has anyone noticed that since the French & the Russians are the only non Chinese in the UN Security Council to balk at taking up arms against the Iraqis, they are the ones getting attacked.


New Member
Gonz said:
Has anyone noticed that since the French & the Russians are the only non Chinese in the UN Security Council to balk at taking up arms against the Iraqis, they are the ones getting attacked.

Hmm. I had a similar thought with regard to the Russians, but hadn't heard about the French being attacked. What happened to them?

And who do you think wants us to go to war against Iraq? Iran maybe?


molṑn labé
Staff member
The French oil tanker was attacked like the US Navy ship was. Couple of guys in a row boat with a lot of explosives.

WHo wants saddam taken out? name a middle eastern leader & add him to the list. they are publically denying any support while giving Cheney hand jobs in the corner.


molṑn labé
Staff member
it's getting real ugly over there

MOSCOW (AP) - Two hostages were killed and two injured early Saturday at a Moscow theater where hundreds of people are being held captive by Chechen rebels, and officials said the gunmen were starting to execute more hostages.


New Member
Gonz said:
The French oil tanker was attacked like the US Navy ship was. Couple of guys in a row boat with a lot of explosives.

That's right. Now I remember hearing something about that.

WHo wants saddam taken out? name a middle eastern leader & add him to the list. they are publically denying any support while giving Cheney hand jobs in the corner.

I doubt that very much happens in the world of Islamic terrorism without Iran's stamp of approval.

The only question I have is whether they want the war because they think they will benefit from getting rid of Saddam, or do they want it because they hope it will unite the middle east in a jihad against the Great Satan?


molṑn labé
Staff member
the Moscow stand off is over

MOSCOW (AP) - Special forces troops stormed a Moscow theater before sunrise Saturday, freeing hundreds of hostages held by Chitin rebels and killing their leader in a bloody end to the three-day standoff.

I think the leaders there know how dangerous he really is & wish him gone.


molṑn labé
Staff member
MOSCOW (AP) - Gunfire rattled in the theater at dawn Saturday and Russian special forces pumped it full of sleeping gas before troops stormed the building, killing 42 Chechen rebels and freeing more than 700 captives in the third day of a hostage drama. Officials said 67 captives were killed.


<b>mod cow</b>
I wonder what kind of sleeping gas KILLS 67 people :sick:
not the normal kind...that's for sure.

good thing ALL the rebels got shot. I don't pity them at ALL.

even though still a lot of people died, i don't think there was any better way than this. chances of the rebels blowing up the theatre was just too big...it's a great loss, but more than 700 people were saved.

good thing putin held on to the rule 'you DON'T negotiate with terrorists, rebels or murderers'


molṑn labé
Staff member
The 67 didn't die from gas. Some may havem but many, if not most were killed by the terrorists &amp; a few most likely by the storming of the theatre.


New Member
Gonz said:
MOSCOW (AP) - Gunfire rattled in the theater at dawn Saturday and Russian special forces pumped it full of sleeping gas before troops stormed the building, killing 42 Chechen rebels and freeing more than 700 captives in the third day of a hostage drama. Officials said 67 captives were killed.

Can you just imagine how the world would be poo-pooing us if we refused to negotiate with terrorists who were holding hostages, stormed the place where they were holding them and 67 hostages ended up dead? Gawd, I can just hear it. I wonder if anything will be said about the Russians' actions.

Although it didn't end well for 67 of the hostages, what the Russians did is best in the long term. It makes the taking of hostages a pointless exercise for the terrorists, and it ended the careers of 42 terrorists. Ultimately, the way to stop terrorists is by killing them. Never negotiate, never give them anything that they want. As long as terrorism appears to work, there will always be terrorists. Make it an exercise in futility, and those who genuinely want change will have to use peaceful methods. The ones who just enjoy killing, or who want to die for Allah, will become outlaws in their own society.


New Member
Latest reports have it up over 90 civilians dead now with more coming out. Estimates are over 100. Clear info is all but impossible to track down.


<b>mod cow</b>
Gonz said:
The 67 didn't die from gas. Some may havem but many, if not most were killed by the terrorists & a few most likely by the storming of the theatre.

Mhhh...that's what i heard on the news. That and unc's comment proves once again that the media can't be trusted. Especially not when Russian news is involved..


molṑn labé
Staff member
Health officials said that at least 90 hostages were killed during the assault. Many are believed to have died as a result of the gassing after choking on vomit. Three terrorists were said to have survived and were taken for interrogation.



molṑn labé
Staff member

The doctors in the footage described the gas as being a neuro-paralyzing agent, one that disables the body's nervous system. The description contrasts with other reports that described it as a sleeping gas.



At least the Russians saved part of 'em. The Israelis probably would of leveled the building.


New Member
The Russians tend not to screw around. I would fully expect a few 100 midnight raids on houses in Chechnya. Expect about 2000-3000 men to be questioned, tortued, buried.