make your southpark selves!

unclehobart said:
Slightly darker hair... and make it long enough to tickle das boot.
There's not a whole lot to work with, and I'm not about to mess around with Photoshop.

I also decided to go with your Hawaiian shirt look instead.
It's grown out - but when I went for a trim, the hairdresser decided that it was too dry and cut WAY too much off - it was above my shoulders! My hair used to be to my butt.
OK broke down and did it, twice. One of the presentable me, and one of the typical me at play. ...yes I am bleeder and fairly marked-up to boot.
ResearchMonkey said:
OK broke down and did it, twice. One of the presentable me, and one of the typical me at play. ...yes I am bleeder and fairly marked-up to boot.
You'll blend right in here in NYC. :p

Luis, that photo was taken before the change. ;)
unclehobart said:
heh... profile pic, luis... profile.

As soon as I saw the southpark her, I went to see the profile. I must say she's gorgeous.
unclehobart said:
Slightly darker hair... and make it long enough to tickle das boot.

Your hair is in a ponytail hanging down thy back silly man :p
Fanny is British slang for the vagina.
Fanny is American slang for the buttocks.

Hmm ... I did not know that. How ... annoying.