Man convicted for walking around in his home naked


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Being naked at home is a John Dillinger-esque crime?

Keep your curtains closed to avoid misdemeanors

Sometimes it’s nice to walk around your house naked. I, for one, don’t particularly like to do it when there are strangers in the house, but I have interviewed people who do.

But what if the strangers are outside your house and look through your windows and see you naked? For an au natural Virginia man, this scenario has resulted in a conviction for indecent exposure.

Findlaw defines indecent exposure as “purposefully display[ing] one’s genitals in public, causing others to be alarmed or offended.” Erick Williamson, 29, was in his private home, but he was viewable from the public streets. A judge decided Friday that this means Williamson is guilty.

Let’s flesh out the problems with this ruling, after the jump.

Erick Williamson was having a cup of coffee in the buff one October morning. A woman drove by and saw him through his front window. Later, a mother and her 7-year-old son walked by on their way to school and saw him. Rather than averting their eyes, they decided to call the police.

If Williamson was a woman, and the passers-by had been male, the charges might have gone the other way. The male passers-by would be viewed as peeping toms. But that’s a gender issue that I won’t get into. Let’s stick with privacy.

The judge’s ruling basically means that if you have windows, your home is not a private space. The Washington Post says that Judge Ian O’Flaherty compared Williamson to notorious criminal John Dillinger:

[O'Flaherty] likened Williamson to bank robber John Dillinger, who also “thought he was doing nothing wrong when he walked into banks and shot them up.”

Dillinger robbed banks and killed police officers. Williamson drank coffee in the buff. This comparison seems, um, problematic.

So the takeaway lesson here: Walking around your house naked is a crime, but peeping into someone’s windows is okay.

Williamson is appealing the conviction. We at the Not-So Private Parts wish him luck.
This has been happening for years. The label "sex offender" has been watered down to mean anything from consenting sex between an 18 year old and a 17 year old to conviction of violently raping a 4 year old child. I no longer flinch when I hear it.

"Erick Williamson was having a cup of coffee in the buff one October morning. A woman drove by and saw him through his front window. Later, a mother and her 7-year-old son walked by on their way to school and saw him. Rather than averting their eyes, they decided to call the police."

There is another case where someone was having coffee in his own house with the window curtains drawn to the public but not to his own back yard. A woman, walking her son to school, cut through his back yard as a short cut and they saw him naked through the window. They reported him to the police and he was convicted of indecent exposure to a minor labeling him a "sex offender". He will have to register and do the whole "sex offender" scenario though he was not sentenced to any jail/prison time.

I find the whole thing abusive of our rights as property owners.