McCain Illegiable to be POTUS?


100% Pure Canadian Beef

I think it is just some nut blathering, but could it be true.

(has to do with the consitution, and the fact he was born outside the US)
well, it's at least worth his reply to a comment...

"Go reread the entire post again."

apparently, the commenting individual is not as clever as the author believes s/he is.

but he is right about there being very specific requirements. i've seen the petty bureaucrat box-checkers in action at the US consulate when my partner applied for US citizenship via birth abroad to an american parent.
Interesting...except for the fact that the Panama Canal Zone was, until 1976, considered by rights and treaty, part of the US.
BTW...In answer to your original question, PV,

"I'll take blathering nut-jobs for $1000, Alex". :D
It comes down to the definition of "natural born" which is a little shaky. I think it's silly though.