Me and my bride:) Yep I got hitched this weekend!

Holy crap ol'man, you're kinda hunky. :eek13:

Your bride is just beautiful. Congratulations!
how has the married life been so far ol'man? hope its going well and you two are happy. and just remember the more they argue the more they love(thought you might need a laugh or enjoy that type of humour)
It has been great so far. Not really any different from before though since we have lived together for the last 9 months;) We went steady for about 6 months fore I popped the question. 4 months later we were married.
Congratulations ol'man. Wow, remember you said something about it a while back on HWC, but I didn't expect it would be so soon. Thats awesome. Good luck man.

btw, I did the same thing myself back in July.
RD, what is up? Long time no converse.Congratulations to you too!

Here is another better pic of me and my bride.


mpic3.jpg, 122.61kb

You guys look good together. Hope everything is working out well for ya both. Its tough in the beginning, or maybe its just me. You guys at least lived together for a while first though, that helps a lot. There isn't that adjustment phase at least.

Well, I look forward to conversing soon. I have been reading your post over at HWC for quite a while. I just haven't bothered to post anywhere in a couple years. What can I say, I'm lazy!

Take it easy man, good luck with everything.