Missile Defense Test Fails


Well-Known Member
Hmm so there are already active missile defense bases
in Alaska and California, Cool!


Out-freaking-standing OTC member
catocom said:

What's up with the scientist in this country?
I though they were better than this.
I'm no rocket scientist myself, but it just doesn't seem like this
project would be as hard to get right as it is.

The interceptor missile had a glitch in the data flow, which shut down the launch. :shrug: How many versions does WINBLOWS go through, before it's deemed 'ready' to go 'gold'?


Too cute for words
Gato_Solo said:
The interceptor missile had a glitch in the data flow, which shut down the launch. :shrug: How many versions does WINBLOWS go through, before it's deemed 'ready' to go 'gold'?

You mean there has been a version that was ready???? :lol2:


Well-Known Member
Well then crap we gotta torment Kim Jong Ill into launching some nukes our way to test these babies out inna live fire demonstration Ooops Blue screen BOOM!


New Member
Target is aquired, Launch 2 & 3

I decided to delete the pic as it oversized the thread.

Oh Dear


Well-Known Member
Gato_Solo said:
The interceptor missile had a glitch in the data flow, which shut down the launch. :shrug: How many versions does WINBLOWS go through, before it's deemed 'ready' to go 'gold'?
yeah, but I thought the gov had better people than MS. :confused:
Well hopefully they are getting close on it.

Those Patriots helped greatly in the first gulf war, but think if just one
of the nuke get through, is gonna be bad.
Hell it may be bad even if they don't. :alienhuh:

sheesh, I figured we'd have interplanetary travel down by now.

*goes back to watch Stargate SG1*


molṑn labé
Staff member
The reason we're continually testing ours systems is to make sure these failures don't occur when it counts.


Out-freaking-standing OTC member
Winky said:
I thought the Guvmint switched over to Linsucks?

Most big servers run on Unix, but that wasn't my point...;)

catocom said:
yeah, but I thought the gov had better people than MS.

People work where they get paid the best. Government contracts go to the lowest bidder.


Well-Known Member
Gonz said:
The reason we're continually testing ours systems is to make sure these failures don't occur when it counts.
I understand that, but what if it happen today. :confused:

It seems to me that they need to get cracking' , and on less money.

Of coarse 90% of the political gov never has seemed to be efficient, (and frugal) IMO.


Well-Known Member
Gato_Solo said:
People work where they get paid the best. Government contracts go to the lowest bidder.

That's what I'm talking about. :nerd:
It seems they'd have the best, not the cheapest, in this situation.


molṑn labé
Staff member
catocom said:
It seems to me that they need to get cracking' , and on less money.

I can't find a humongous :lol: or :rofl:

He said less money & guvmint in the same breathe :rofl4:



Well-Known Member
Gonz said:
I can't find a humongous :lol: or :rofl:

He said less money & guvmint in the same breathe :rofl4:

Yeah, I don't know what the heck I was thinkin there.

I admire more than any pres. in my lifetime, but, I'm afraid he may be
getting tooo many irons in the fire.
It seems to me that, yeah, there's some stuff here at home that needs fixing,
but some of the stuff that has already been started, way back, needs to
get finished. (first? I dunno, but soon)

I know about getting too many irons in there. I do it all the time. :D
Sometimes it doesn't turn out as good as planned then.