Money well spent


Southern Discomfort
Again, tip the hat to

A investigation by a Swedish newspaper into the work of a government-sponsored anti-racism center found that the Centre Against Racism spent millions of kronor and has little to show for it, according to a report in the Copenhagen Post.

Sweden's Integration Department created the center in 2003 to combat racism and discrimination, but an investigation by Svenska Dagbladet discovered that it done little with the money other than pay for employees' salaries, travel expenses and the remodeling of a Stockholm office.

It's most high-profile work was a campaign against Nogger Black, an ice cream product whose name and marketing methods the center felt was racist.


Racism is as racism does I guess. I'm shocked nobody has pitched the requisite hissy fit over bars serving drinks called White Russians and such.

And a government department wasting money? Who'd a thunk it?