Monotony of identical signs & bumper stickers


New Member
Does anyone get tired of all those official monotonous identical campaign signs & bumper stickers? I do. I remember going to Dean's website and saw a picture - there must have been 100 to 200 of "Vote for Howard Dean" signs. Not a single one of them ever encouraged me to want to vote for him. Why?
(Actually I voted for Kucinich in the Democratic Primary, but that's beside the point).

Such monotony and identical manufacturing of the signs left me with the following impressions:
1. That the audience was nothing more than people paid to attend, listen to, and carry the signs at Dean's speech. For a second I wondered if the people were nothing more than homeless people offered food for the above "work".
2. That the audience probably were virtually mindless Dean supporters who could be easily manipulated by Dean into accepting anything he says. Never once did I ever see any sign that gave a specific reason for voting for Dean. Never once did I see any signs of original thinking.
There are two ways of getting this kind of homogeneous crowds.

1) Hire a crowd - this is basically a compnay who brings in loads of $x/person in order to bolster a weak show-up.
2) Print loads of signs and give them out for free. Even the real crowd members will hoist a free sign if given to them.

You can also buy Hired Hecklers and send them to your opponents camps. :D
Gotta love politics.
Reminds me of this place j/k!

Why do people, especially U.S. Citizens, get so easily turned on tastelessness? Why are they attracted to the "bandwagon" advertising in that "everyone likes him/her/they/it"? Why do some (but not most) prefer to consume poison like tobacco and alcohol? Why don't they ever think? I mean, youth 15 years ago in my day were given teaching about the dangers of tobacco and alcohol and I see my friends smoking and drinking those poisons.
Well, y'see. It's like this. There was this tea party in Boston. After that, people started going around thinking that they're all equal. Nonsense, I know, but bear with me. Well, they noticed that the rich and powerful had lots of free time to do whatever they wanted with, and these same dumb yokels tried to live like they were rich and powerful. The problem being that the rich and powerful had bred themselves up to be, usually, smarter, more elegant, and just generally better mannered than the average yokel. So that the behavior that was so elegant for the rich, was just boorish in the poor. But, having fought a war for the right to be as boorish as they wanted, they exercised that right. To this day, the decendants of those self same yokels still haven't got it yet.
Professur said:
Well, y'see. It's like this. There was this tea party in Boston. After that, people started going around thinking that they're all equal. Nonsense, I know, but bear with me. Well, they noticed that the rich and powerful had lots of free time to do whatever they wanted with, and these same dumb yokels tried to live like they were rich and powerful. The problem being that the rich and powerful had bred themselves up to be, usually, smarter, more elegant, and just generally better mannered than the average yokel. So that the behavior that was so elegant for the rich, was just boorish in the poor. But, having fought a war for the right to be as boorish as they wanted, they exercised that right. To this day, the decendants of those self same yokels still haven't got it yet.

Nice one, Prof :D