Mouth full of lead


New Member
Woke up this morning. Figured it was the final day. Considered a mouth full of lead. Was told to come here instead. Was told it was just as efficient. Less painful. Brains now numb. I think I'm done.

Looking forward to getting to know absolutely none of you.

Jiving Joe
Lead tastes horrible
OTC will leave a bad taste in your mouth
but at least we'll give you
a few seconds to spit
once it's over
and another morning
to reconsider
what you said the day before

Welcome to the fun-house!
I'm Kawaii, but you'll probably forget my name anyway. Or misspell it. Maybe a mispronounciation too.
Gracias Muchly :brush:

I have recently been informed that lead is bad for the environment :lol2: So it's either rubber bullets or a steady diet of OTC :crying4:

The question is now, "are rubber bullets as efficient as OTC?" :confused:

Thanks for the tepid welcome :drink:

Jiving Joe