

New Member
I'm sitting here, knitting AND surfing at the same time.

How's that for multitasking!!!

So what do you do while you surf? (Uh, except for the obvious, you pervs).
I could never study and do anything else at all. I can read just about anywhere, but to actually study - I need quiet for that. I don't even like music playing in the background.
When I smoked, I would chain smoke while I was surfing or chatting with people... Nowadays, sometimes I listen to music but don't do much else. Especially when chatting with a good typist-you have to move fast to keep up! :)
nalani has trained me to have 3+ windows open at any one time, emailing, working, checking my bank statement, otc-ing, etc ... :D
- chat on icq and msn, the toughest thing to do is the "switch language" thing.
- listen to music.
- surf on several pages.
- sometimes, play minesweeper or white card (??)
read, or go get food sometimes usually read a book or magazine waiting for pages to load. if im online ill chat with people.