my aunt is going to die

Luis G

Staff member
She has cancer, and there's nothing to do about it. She's no longer receiving quimiotherapy nor any other threatment.

She's pretty bad, common pain relievers doesn't work, and soon she'll start to take one derived from mariguana. Worst thing is, she knows "this is the beginning of the end" (her own words).

I feel bad, really bad, my girl has been very supportive about it (i've even cried with her), but still i feel like venting here.
vent on Luis, lingering illness is not a good way to go. the best you can hope for is a quick end to their suffering, and make the most of what time you have with her. i watched my grandpa waste away in a nursing home, the result of diabetes and alzheimers. Two months ago, after he had a stroke, we were happy that he went fast instead of hanging on in pain.
sorry to hear this luis, spend time with her when you can and make the best of the time left. thats the best i can suggest.
Keep the faith my friend....
I'm sorry to hear that Luis. Do you have cancer nurses or doctors there who specialise in pain relief? I know it will make things much easier for her if you do.
That's good. At least they'll keep her as comfortable as they can. :thumbup:

It's not much consolation though... but it helps.
Sorry, Luis. This is what my wife does for a living, she's an oncology (cancer/related pain/chemotherapy) nurse. Since I met her I realize that I have never had a bad day at work. Had a friend die of cancer in our early thirties. Keep us posted when you can about how you're holding up, okay?
Oh God Luis. I'm sorry. Just do your best to remember how she was, not how she is going to be the next few months. It's hard, I know.
I am sorry to hear this, Luis. There is not much I can say that will make it better. :(
tommyj27 said:
vent on Luis, lingering illness is not a good way to go. the best you can hope for is a quick end to their suffering, and make the most of what time you have with her
samcurry said:
sorry to hear this luis, spend time with her when you can and make the best of the time left. thats the best i can suggest.
Keep the faith my friend....

That's so important, it's a way you can ease her pain by being there for her until the time comes. Sorry sweetie. :(
I almost lose it yesterday, i'm starting to get defensive, pissed off and sad at the same time.

Feeling better now, thanks guys.
I went through the same thing a few months ago, I know the feeling. Sorry to hear that.