My Easter Gift


Well-Known Member
So, the other day I get in my car .. it was raining earlier in the day so all my windows were rolled up, but the afternoon had cleared up and it was hot and sunny so my car was a million degrees inside ... so, I get in my car ... and there's this smell ... this godawful smell ... I looked all over and couldn't find the source, except it was coming from the back of my Jeep ... then, I finally found it ...

an easter egg had apparently fallen out of one of my kids' baskets and rolled behind the spare tire ... it cracked at some point ... and now, I officially hate easter eggs

ewwwww!!!!! Now that was nasty! We could NOT get rid of that smell! hehehehehe ... maybe it's a Garmon thing :D
hehe i got a spongebob dvd .. after my mom found it (she lost it in the car) thanksfully it doesnt smell as bad
hehehe .. since it had avocados and tomatoes, and was soo 'ono, no apology necessary :headbang:
nalani said:
So, the other day I get in my car .. it was raining earlier in the day so all my windows were rolled up, but the afternoon had cleared up and it was hot and sunny so my car was a million degrees inside ... so, I get in my car ... and there's this smell ... this godawful smell ... I looked all over and couldn't find the source, except it was coming from the back of my Jeep ... then, I finally found it ...

an easter egg had apparently fallen out of one of my kids' baskets and rolled behind the spare tire ... it cracked at some point ... and now, I officially hate easter eggs


Sure the easter bunny didn't lay it there?