My fishy web page is done!

It's because I use the largest text size in IE. The links under the main page heading become large enough to push the menu window down off the bottom of the frame.

I see this alot... where websites look like shit when a text size other than default is used, and frankly, it pisses me off. I have a big monitor, I run at a (very) high resolution, and I don't like to sit anywhere near my monitor. If I want to use large text, then dammit, I should be able to.

I've seen plenty of sites that adjust for the size quite nicely, so IMO, if some can do it, everyone can, they just don't know how, don't care, or are to lazy.

That's just my opinion though. ;)
Well I fall under the category of "don't know how." :D

If you could tell me, or point me to a site that will tell me how to do it, I will gladly fix it.
shit dawg, I no zilch about web design! :D

Could be as simple as making the top frame big enough to accomodate the largest size text. If the frame is variable depending on text size, I have absolutely no clue. :)
Well... I can't just make the frame bigger because some people have big fonts. Then there would be lots of wasted space for people who use the web page's specified fonts. Making the top frame "stretch" when needed sounds like a good idea. I'll ask fury if he knows how to do it. :)
Don't fret too much, I see a lot of screwy web pages when I use large fonts.

Just pisses me off, in general. Nothing worse than a site that doesn't have scalable fonts. :mad: Then you have to turn on "ignore specified font sizes on Web pages" to allow forced scaling... and of course, this screws up a host of other web sites.

I just want to be able to read text web text from a reasonable distance when running this resolution. I refuse to lower my resolution because of a few ass-monkey web sites.

*piss2*stupid font sizes.
Originally posted by Justintime
yeah, i do, guess i never heard that part.

They had that Crocodile Hunter guy on there, and that's pretty much what he was sayin' the whole time. :D be quite honest, I think your website absolutely sucks.
Before you get all pissed off and stuff like that, let me comment my statement:

First of all, the sound makes it horrible to surf it. When I'm listening to music, I really don't want to hear other annoying music from some website. Opeth and fishy music don't mix. And yes, I am too lazy to turn it off in IE, because other people have the strangest idea that you should hear music you haven't asked for when you're looking at some website.

Second, don't fixate on one resolution when creating a website. To make a website accesible to a large public, try to avoid that.

Third, the background....what shall I say? It's not really a great eye-catcher. But if you like it..well, go ahead.

Fourth, the font. Why use the default font? Why not use a font like Tahoma or something? I would certainly recommend the use of CSS, it makes things a lot easier when you have to edit or something like that.
When you are using CSS it's so easy to edit the decoration of the hyperlinks and stuff like that :)
For more info on CSS, look here:

Last point, why not put all the images in a nice table, nicely ordered underneath eachother? If you would do that, you could also add an extra row to add some information about the fish, or a link to a website which contains even more information...
Also the use of tooltips would add a little extra to the
< img src="../images/anglefish/fish2.jpg" width="160" height="120" alt="OMG! What a beautiful fish" />

Just a few thoughts...

[edit: added a space before img, otherwise the link would be processed :D]
You should be a professional website critic. :D

The music will have to stay as this is a site for a school project, which requires sound. However, I'll be adding in the option to turn it off/on, on the page.

The background may suck, but do you have a better one I can use? I will change it.

The fonts I will fiddle with...

I haven't fixated on a single resolution when creating this site. I have tested the site with 640x480, 800x600, 1024x768, and up to 1280x1024.

I've added tooltips to the graphics on the main page, but I don't see much point in doing it to every graphic since I have nothing to say but "Oooooo! Ahhhh! and Christmasy!" :lol: