My new Vista desktop!




100% Pure Canadian Beef
There is nothing there!

Is this you saying that you oppose microsoft, and would never buy one of there sub-standard over-priced products?

in which case I salute you.

Or did they link not work?

In which case why the hell did you get that piece of crap vista?


100% Pure Canadian Beef


it says..

pwned linking to a graphionc that does not belong to you....

I will look at it at home tonight.


molṑn labé
Staff member
I knew he looked familair. I sometimes read his articles in PC Mag. I don't look at non-nekkid girlie pics.


Out-freaking-standing OTC member
I knew he looked familair. I sometimes read his articles in PC Mag. I don't look at non-nekkid girlie pics.


I'm off to look for some pics of Shrillary without the benefit of sight-protecting layers...:devious:


molṑn labé
Staff member
I've been surprisingly less irritated than I was with the beta. (supposed to be I suppose)


my desktop. it's a mac, so it doesn't suck, and no poo is being eaten.


I think that, as much as anything, is why so many PC people hate macs and have disdain for mac people. It's that "Zen, we are one with humanity because we use a mac and are "green" and Utopian and therefore better than you" kind of thing that is common with so many mac peeps. I work on all three common home platforms and they all have their high points and low points. We all know what they are with Vista. But the fact is I'd have to say Vista is a "better' OS, just in that it is made for THOUSANDS of clone hardware and software and works well with so many, where mac is aiming at being proprietary and making you pay premium prices for a small set of hardware or software. I don't hate mac or mac people, until they get all Utopian about it. Nothing personal ash, I am sure you didn't mean to come off that way but many mac people do come off that way whether they mean to or not.