my reputation is disabled?


New Member
huh? why?

can someone explain why my karma thingy is black, and tells me it's disabled? i didnt disable it (that i am aware of)

sorry if this question has been asked before.
That's what happens when you kiss and tell. I'm sure your mom warned you what would happen to your reputation if you did.
A few people were whining about their karma being displayed so I allowed people to turn them off (and as a result, everyone's got turned off to start)

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That's what happens when you kiss and tell. I'm sure your mom warned you what would happen to your reputation if you did.
Mine told me I'd go blind if I did something else. I'm not blind, but my glasses seem to be getting thicker and thicker. :faptard:
This reminds of of what happens when you wear glasses during "wrestling".

Can we say ewwwwwwwwwwww to sweat and oil coveed glasses? EWWW!

For the record: I mean the oil from a person's skin, like when the other person's face touches your glasses. Not like kinky massage oil. I have unfortunately never tried such a thing :mope: (just for the record :D)
Vince thinks it's fun to wear my glasses

One day last week I stayed at his house and in the morning I was leaving and got half way downstairs and realized I didn't have my glasses (he wa sin front of me) I went back up and looked everywhere for them. Next thing I knew he came in the room and was wearing them. He had them on when I said "Oh, I forgot my glasses!" and didn't even tell me! [mutters]wanker[/mutters] :D
That's how I found out I needed glasses. I was at a movie with a friend and he put his glasses on to watch and I asked him for them to see how blind he was. I was shocked to see just how much clearer everything was when I put them on. I wore his glasses for about 6 months before I got my own pair. Now I can't do without them. :hmm:
WOW, good thing you found out!!!

Vince doesn't need them but he likes to be a pain in my arse.