Name changes


molṑn labé
Staff member

A substitute teacher in Virginia is angling to change the names of Robert E. Lee Elementary and Jefferson Davis Middle schools because they are psychologically damaging to the black students who attend them, reports The Associated Press.

Erenestine Harrison said the schools in Hampton, Va., named for the Confederate leaders are inappropriate. She wants the schools to bear names of people she considers better role models for children.

wow. more PC. am i the only one who agrees wiht george carlin: PC=piss and cunt? why is it so fucking easy for people to be offended these days
freako104 said:
wow. more PC. am i the only one who agrees wiht george carlin: PC=piss and cunt? why is it so fucking easy for people to be offended these days
Because nobody is responsible.

BTW, freako, I'm offended you asked. :D
i am offended that the musical world does not get recognition by the school systems! schools named after leaders and educators and inventors...i mean, where is jerry garcia elementary? bob marley middle? heck, who wouldn't want to graduate from sid vicious high?
Gato_Solo said:
I'm offended that you are offended. :D
Well, I'm offended that you would take offence at my personal feelings.

I'd continue, but I'm afraid I must visit the Charles Manson room. (Bathroom) Then, it's off to the John Wayne Gacy Cafeteria for lunch.
tonks said:
i am offended that the musical world does not get recognition by the school systems! schools named after leaders and educators and inventors...i mean, where is jerry garcia elementary? bob marley middle? heck, who wouldn't want to graduate from sid vicious high?

im offended that you didnt mention Ozzy,Zepplin, the Ramones,and GG Allin. :grumpy: :winkkiss: :D
PuterTutor said:
I'd continue, but I'm afraid I must visit the Charles Manson room. (Bathroom) Then, it's off to the John Wayne Gacy Cafeteria for lunch.

Well, I'm offended by the fact that you went to the little girls room without mentioning anything about taking off your pants. :mad: ;)

And Tonks, it's completely offensive that the Beatles didn't get a passing reference.
BeardofPants said:
And Tonks, it's completely offensive that the Beatles didn't get a passing reference.
aaaw...BoP....i was saving the strawberry fields preschool as a special treat for you.....
Who the fuck cares about the name of the damn high school? Next they'll say, "Blank B. Blank want the name of Robert E. Lee removed from the history book "The American Civil War" because she want it to have the name of a better role model for children who read the book."

Robert E. Lee was a fine role model! I'm offended they have decided to rub a white person's name in the dirt simply because they don't see him as a good role model. As if Bill Clinton is so much greater a role model. "I want to grow to be the president and I want to fuck with aaalll the interns." *gasps*