NBC's 'Fear Factor' Sued for Rat-Eating Episode


Well-Known Member
LOS ANGELES (Reuters) - Watching contestants eat dead rats on NBC's gross-out stunt show "Fear Factor" so disgusted a Cleveland man that he has sued NBC for $2.5 million, saying he could not stomach what he saw.

In a handwritten four-page lawsuit filed in federal court in Cleveland on Tuesday, paralegal Austin Aitken said, "To have the individuals on the show eat (yes) and drink dead rats was crazy and from a viewer's point of view made me throw-up as well an another in the house at the same time."

His suit added, "NBC is sending the wrong message to its TV watchers that cash can make or have people do just about anything beyond reasoning (sic) and in most cases against their will."

He said the show caused his blood pressure to rise so high that he became dizzy and light-headed, and when he ran away to his room, he bumped his head into the doorway.

In a brief telephone interview with Reuters, Aitken said, "I am not at liberty to discuss the complaint unless it is a paid-interview situation."

A spokesman for "Fear Factor" said the show would have no comment until it sees a copy of the complaint. The spokesman said the program did feature an rat-eating scene in New York's Times Square on Nov. 8.

Over the years, contestants on the program have eaten some weird things, including ground-up spiders and live worms.



The last time I checked, a bandage, an ice pack and a bottle of Pepto cost significantly less than $2.5 million. :shrug:

What unc said.
Personally, I hate the show. I have not considered sueing becuase of that though. Perhaps I should give him a call and see if he wants to make it class-action. Although I'd probably have to pay him for the priviledge.
PT said:
Personally, I hate the show. I have not considered sueing becuase of that though. Perhaps I should give him a call and see if he wants to make it class-action. Although I'd probably have to pay him for the priviledge.

I don't like the show, either, so I just change the channel. :shrug: maybe I'm not greedy enough. ;)
I've stopped & gawked at this show a few times. Isn't whoring yourself illegal?

re: tha case :rofl4: :rolleyes:
tonksy said:
i was just thinking it couldn't happen to a nicer show :laugh5:

On that note. I disagree for the following reasons...

1. The show, while vile and tasteless, was on voluntarily. Nobody forced that dipshit to watch it.
2. He had watched the show before, and had prior knowledge that the contestants did things most would consider vile.
3. The show announces before it begins that it is 'Viewer Discretion Advised'. Looks like that dipshit can niether hear, nor read, as well...
4. He bonked his poor widdle head while maneuvering to another room in order to avoid the rat feast. Why didn't he just change the channel?

Perhaps if he would've put that beer/joint/crack pipe/needle down, and turned to Fox/CNN/MSNBC, he wouldn't have been hurt at all.
Gato_Solo said:
Perhaps if he would've put that beer/joint/crack pipe/needle down, and turned to Fox/CNN/MSNBC, he wouldn't have been hurt at all.

CNN could have gotten him murdered.
"Your show made me puke and bump my head because I'm too dumb to change the channel, now make my financially independant for the rest of my life!"

Seriously, you Americans need to get your act together and introduce captial punishment for dumb-ass lawsuits like this one.
Kawaii said:
"Seriosly, you Americans need to get your act together and introduce captial punishment for dumb-ass lawsuits like this one.

Dumbass lawsuits aren't the problem. Dumbass jurors who award huge emotion based settlements are.
Gonz said:
Dumbass lawsuits aren't the problem. Dumbass jurors who award huge emotion based settlements are.

I disagree with that, too. It's dumbass, greedy lawyers who actually find the idiots who'll sue if the weatherman predicts sun, and it rains on their wedding day... :lol2:

This should be tied in with abooja's Kill all the Lawyers thread. :grinyes:
Gato_Solo said:
On that note. I disagree for the following reasons...

1. The show, while vile and tasteless, was on voluntarily. Nobody forced that dipshit to watch it.
2. He had watched the show before, and had prior knowledge that the contestants did things most would consider vile.
3. The show announces before it begins that it is 'Viewer Discretion Advised'. Looks like that dipshit can niether hear, nor read, as well...
4. He bonked his poor widdle head while maneuvering to another room in order to avoid the rat feast. Why didn't he just change the channel?

Perhaps if he would've put that beer/joint/crack pipe/needle down, and turned to Fox/CNN/MSNBC, he wouldn't have been hurt at all.

The operative word. :D
dude...i was in no way stating that the guy had a valid point in his litigation. but fear factor kinda does go way overboard to directly gross people out (and people tend to like to be grossed out...mostly). it's just kinda funny that they are getting called on it.
This does point out some serious issues with the FCC. You can't say shit but you can eat a rat...
the funny thing is is that when i took survival courses in the navy they told us there were 3 animals one should not eat. sea snakes and rats.