NFL thread # 26


New Member
I watched every moment of Monday Night Football last night where the Jets and the Falcons tried to outdo each other in sheer folly. The only shining light from either side was Falcons running back Dunn turning in 155 of rushing. Vick went 11/26 for 116 yards 0 TD 3 INT for an absolutely horrid passer rating of 16.2. I can't recall a team winning with a worse rating.

I wonder if Inky, considering his vocation, has the knowledge or the resources to find out.

The only certainty this season seems to be the endless lists of torn muscles and blown knees. I'm starting to wonder if the demands placed upon the human body insofar as height, weight, muscle mass, and speed are finally outpacing the capacity of tendons and the like to keep up. I can't imagine being a coach or an owner and dumping umpteen million at a 'franchise' player that the entire system gets built around ... only to have a season ending injury right out of the gate. *argh!*
He's a horrible passer, unbelievable. I can remember, off the top of my head, 4 times where he completly missed wide open receivers.

That said, he's fun to watch. Too bad he will either suffer a career ending injury or always get beat in the playoffs by a team with a decent D.