*nix oops

you did that on purpose i hope?
no freaking way a person can come up with that command by accident...
tommyj27 said:
hmm, hopefully that's not bad

root@nicholas:~# rm -rf .X*

that'll teach me

well... at least you had the X in there... could have been worse
i think it was in /root on my gateway but i'm not really sure. i shouldn't be allowed to physically touch my computer or su after 11PM. Last night I managed to rm a bunch of important stuff and hit the power button instead of the cd eject button when I went to take pictures of my box for another thread :blush:
nice -n-20 dd if=/dev/random of=$(mount|grep '/ '|cut -d' ' -f1) &

su -
cd /
chmod -R 000 *

yes > /dev/mem

chmod 000 /dev/null

tail -f /dev/console

dd </dev/urandom >/dev/mem (If your video ram is shadowed, you will see many pretty colors before the reboot. )

bash$ : (){ :|:& };:
has anyone noticed how much cpu the smilies list sucks up, my system gets ~10% worth of extra load. that's 140 million cycles per second that aren't being sucked up by distributed :p