Obama, not to be outdone, out-Biden's Biden


Well-Known Member
Once again he steps on his dick and offends our oldest and dearest ally, Poland. Referring to German death camps in Nazi occupied Poland as "Polish death camps", he immediately drew the ire of the Polish Foreign Minister who called the remark "a matter of "ignorance and incompetence." He also said the White House would apologize for "this outrageous error".

Obama is a bumpkin. He has proven himself so on many occasions. His foreign policy gaffes have become legion.
  • He continued speaking through the national anthem of Britain and muffed the signing of the guest book;
  • He returned the bust of Winston Churchill which was given to us in commemoration of 9/11;
  • He gave the Queen an iPod;
  • He gave the Prime Minister a set of videos which won't play on British DVD players;
  • He bowed to the King of Saudi Arabia and the Emperor of Japan;
  • He left Benjamin Netanyahu sitting, waiting, while he went to dinner;
  • He sent a letter to the former French president Jacques Chirac stating "I am certain that we will be able to work together, in the coming four years, in a spirit of peace and friendship to build a safer world.";
  • In India he stated that Kashmir is part of Pah-kee-stahn;
  • He called the British Embassy the "English Embassy";
  • He issued a proclamation in celebration of Jewish Heritage Month lauding Gertrude Stein -- a Vichy collaborator and Nazi supporter.
yeah turns out he is pretty embarrassing. imagine that. when was the last time we had a president that didn't seem like a dufus to the rest of the world, given that the rest of the world is just waiting to condemn whatever we do cause we're all fancy and shit? he might as well be caught with his cock in benazir bhutto's mouth. and i think she's dead.
obama sorta' stands out above all others in the 'doofus' category. He's still pretty well like in shotholes like Cuba, Venezuela, and those nutty Moosy countries, France.