Obama openly violates oath


Well-Known Member

Obama will not enforce the law.
Another case of grounds for impeachment IMO.
"Dereliction of duty"
How long is the pres. and admin going to get to slide?

WASHINGTON -- The Obama administration says it will no longer defend the constitutionality of a federal law that bans recognition of same-sex marriage.

In a statement Wednesday, Attorney General Eric Holder says President Obama has concluded that the administration can no longer defend the federal law that defines marriage as only between a man and a woman.

The Justice Department had defended the Defense of Marriage Act in court until now.
I hope someone worth voting for gets the Rep nomination.
If they don't, we'll have no choice but to vote for the lesser of 2 evils this round.

We simply can't afford 4 more years of Obama.
Personally, I couldn't care less what the law is on that subject.

It's the LAW never the less, and should be enforced.
Even if they do sometimes turn a blind eye, for the pres. to come out
and blatantly say they will not enforce the laws is an unprecedented matter,
and I believe grounds for impeachment.

What if he'd said he would not enforce workplace discrimination?
What would your stance be?
yeah riiiiiight

Obama has tried to back off of what he said, by 'double speak'.

Said they'd 'enforce' the law, but Not 'defend' it.:silly:

Can't do both at the same time there.*punch*
pure out BS.
well this certainly is the first-ever instance of the pootus stretching what he's technically supposed to be able to do. i got a slimy cigar and a puked up pretzel nugget to prove it.

kiss it, momma.

I heard today Hawaii approved same sex marriages.
Fine, if that's what they want.

I still think the fed should get completely out of the marriage 'business'.

Fine if they want to use it for some kind of census purpose, but
I think every since any kind of monetary concessions were introduced,
the whole situation was headed for trouble.
as far as stuff like not letting anyone in to see patients in the hospital,
that's been a stupid rule from the start, unless there's some kind of heavy
duty security risk or some thing.

Man, I just wish some plain natural (what used to be common) sense would come back into being.
Osama gets on with the people's bizness

The Osambo regime has done so many over the top things
that nothing shocks or amazes anymore.

yeah riiiiiight

Obama has tried to back off of what he said, by 'double speak'.

Said they'd 'enforce' the law, but Not 'defend' it.:silly:

Can't do both at the same time there.*punch*
pure out BS.
Sure they can... if someone breaks the law..you enforce it.
If someone challenges the law, the fed gvt will no longer run to the defense of it.
You wanted the Fed out of marriage..there ya go. :lurk:
Sure they can... if someone breaks the law..you enforce it.
If someone challenges the law, the fed gvt will no longer run to the defense of it.
You wanted the Fed out of marriage..there ya go. :lurk:

no, defense IS part of enforcement.
Just like catch and release is a useless waste of tax dollars, this is just more Waste now.

this one act, or non-action as the case may be,
hardly means they are totally getting out of the Business.
the law itself is idiotic and not in agreement with the spirit of the constitution.

Irrelevant. As a branch of the government, they are there to enforce laws that are on the books & defend those which are in court, no matter how stupid. The court rules & Congress adapts. It is not up to the executive branches job to selectively enforce, nor ignore, any law.