Ocean's Eleven question for the UK people


New Member
I caught Oceans Eleven last night again (they only play it 5 times a day) and watched the part where the guy comes in after being in the sewer and starts talking and no one understands him.

He says something to the effect of "They norsed up the mainframe, norsed it right up!" and "I think we're in Barney. ... Barney Rubble. .... Trouble!!" And I'm thinking to myself, this actor really isn't even English in the first place, and that whole speech seems off the mark.

Has anyone seen this, do you have any idea wtf he was saying without an explination? How often do you see that in movies, where someone's supposed to be using lingo from your area/country and they get it completely wrong?
I know Barney Rubble, so I knew what he was saying there, but I only know a few words in rhyming slang. I haven't seen it get used though much, outside of guy ritchie movies... I'm not sure.

What I do think is funny, is Buffy the Vampire Slayer, when they try and make Spike talk ENGLISH english.

It's like... "Let's all get the bollocks out of here!" or something :laugh:
dude! buffy rocks!

and i think they normally do quite well with giles and spike...
yeah, me too. Although Giles is actually English, so... :D
With Spike they just seem to put the word 'bugger' in very strange places. :eek6:
nambit said:
dude! buffy rocks!

and i think they normally do quite well with giles and spike...

The fact that Giles (Anthony Head) is english does help some what.
Spike is quite cheesy, but that fits in nicely with the rest of the program ;)
i just found this website. it's quite funny...
http://www.peevish.co.uk/slang/ a dictionary of british slang.

quite odd seeing stuff written out like that...

i'm curious though, how much of it is UK specific? surely quite a lot of that stuff is used in america too??
The absolute best accent actor was the guy who played Winchester on MASH. That was bloody incredible.
And then there's people who hide their accents like Catherine Zeta Jones. I never knew she had an accent till I saw the new cellphone commercials she's doing.
the best fake accents i've ever heard were from the guys on the drama series band of brothers. They were mostly english doing american accents - some of them were not so good inevitably, but others..... WOAH.
I get a warm fuzzy feeling inside when I think of the guy in BOB, the one with black hair who was an officer and stole all that alcohol at the end, the same guy who was in Office Space... He's just so damn cute. :)
ron livingston? yeah, he is cute.
Its Matthew Settle for me though. The guy who played Captain Speirs. hubba hubba.
nambit said:
i just found this website. it's quite funny...
http://www.peevish.co.uk/slang/ a dictionary of british slang.

dude!! i love that site!! i have it linked to on my links page (at www.angelfire.com/wizard/alice0 ), i found it to look up something my love at the time, who is english, said.

but i've noticed that quite a bit of the definitions do note that they're of american origin. such as "bling bling", if i recall correctly.