Ol´ Man


New Member
Ol' Man

No, the smell of trollshit definitely seems to be coming from your direction. I acknowledge, in theory at least, your rights to:

a) exist
b) have opinions
c) express them (on occasion)

But I too have opinions, and among them are that
your penchant for self-aggrandizement,
your harbinger of doom posturing,
your tireless, and tiresome, insistence on creating controversy where none exists,
and your propensity for offering narrowly scoped solutions to any and all problems
combine to make you an apt poster-child for the concept of requiring drivers licenses for the information super-highway.

The sum total of all your "contributions" is a negative value, significant only for its displacement from the origin.


Zaphod (aka Roadwarrior)
In the spirit of OT. A skunk smells his own scent first, jsut as a troll smells his own shit first. Now please would you kindly remove your pile.
*bows head in reverence*
That was, by far, the most eloquent flaming I have ever come across.

:wave: Hiya Zaphod! aka Roadwarrior
*Q* aka wifeofkirk
Originally posted by *Q*
*bows head in reverence*
That was, by far, the most flaming I have ever come across.

:wave: Hiya Zaphod! aka Roadwarrior
*Q* aka wifeofkirk

eloquent my ass.

Wife of Kirk, you can lick the sack too while your down there;)
Originally posted by Zaphod
I suppose a reverse link is in order: http://discussions.hardwarecentral.com/Forum2/HTML/012892.html

I apologize for bringing an argument to this lovely board, but this is the kind of candid appraisal that Eric is not fond of hosting at HWC.

If this isn't a good forum for this kind of exchange, I can allways take it over to OCN and tell him what I really think. ;)

Oh no just let it all hangout. Tell me what is up there chum. Tell me what you really think. I need a good laugh!
Originally posted by ol\' man
eloquent my ass.

Wife of Kirk, you can lick the sack too while your down there;)
you butchered my quote, ya little goon...lick your own sack
I doubt that he can physically manage that, but I wouldn't be a bit surprised to find out that he was a dog owner ;)
Oh, and Ol'Man, as kind as you offer to have me continue is, it doesn't really seem necessary at this point.

I pretty well said my piece the first time, and your replies to date haven't provided my with any additional insights to impart.

My offer to change venues was simply along these lines: I brought you over here to bitch-slap you around a bit, if we head over to OCN I can offer to cuss you out, then bitch slap you some more.

But since you have freely alluded to the pleasure that you will derive from the experience, I would prefer that you go back to the "one hand on the keyboard and one hand on the mouse" position.

Let me try this one more time though:

I stop in at HWC every now and again to handle a few support requests. I don't spend a lot of time, but I try to help out a little.

I know that the CPU forum is basically a over-moderated flamefest perpetuated by bigots from both major camps. I expect to find crap threads there, and I am rarely disappointed.

Over time however I do expect to see some modest turnover in the combatants. Basically most people who get off on that kind of thing stop there for a while, dump their load of alimentary byproduct, grow up a little, and move on. If they didn't there would be no place for the few legitimate questions that occasionally pop up.

Take it or leave it, my advice to you is that you patch up your scars, pack up your medals, and step back a bit. Even for you, there will be life after HWC.
Originally posted by Zaphod
Oh, and Ol'Man, as kind as you offer to have me continue is, it doesn't really seem necessary at this point.

I pretty well said my piece the first time, and your replies to date haven't provided my with any additional insights to impart.

My offer to change venues was simply along these lines: I brought you over here to bitch-slap you around a bit, if we head over to OCN I can offer to cuss you out, then bitch slap you some more.

But since you have freely alluded to the pleasure that you will derive from the experience, I would prefer that you go back to the "one hand on the keyboard and one hand on the mouse" position.

Let me try this one more time though:

I stop in at HWC every now and again to handle a few support requests. I don't spend a lot of time, but I try to help out a little.

I know that the CPU forum is basically a over-moderated flamefest perpetuated by bigots from both major camps. I expect to find crap threads there, and I am rarely disappointed.

Over time however I do expect to see some modest turnover in the combatants. Basically most people who get off on that kind of thing stop there for a while, dump their load of alimentary byproduct, grow up a little, and move on. If they didn't there would be no place for the few legitimate questions that occasionally pop up.

Take it or leave it, my advice to you is that you patch up your scars, pack up your medals, and step back a bit. Even for you, there will be life after HWC.

ol' man is at HWC what I am at OTC. An argumentative character who brings spice and interest to the site. :D
posted by ol' man at HWC
OSLI was the main BS'r in the bunch if I remember right back then last summer.

No, you smoked too much dope and your memory isn't all that great. Dig up threads if you like, I was certainly not the main BS'r (and if I remember correctly, my tolling has always been on the fairly moderate side).

I really have no idea why you would try and pin that distinction on me, unless you just don't like me consistently putting a "troll has been here" sign in all the threads in which you go a bit over the edge.