Old war plans

ekahs retsam

New Member
We have always been joking about the US needing oil more than it needs a northern neighbor. But what if it really did happen? Well it seems both sides already had a plan for many years.



All of these plans were drawn up a long time ago so it might be adjusted a bit for modern combat.

Regardless of when it was planned the idea is still interesting from a strategic point of view.
Old news, really. I mentioned those ideas quite some time ago. Every country on the planet has plans for both invading and defending against it's neighbors. To not do so would be military suicide if there's an unfriendly government imposed on said neighbors...worst case scenario style thinking.
Gato_Solo said:
Old news, really. I mentioned those ideas quite some time ago. Every country on the planet has plans for both invading and defending against it's neighbors. To not do so would be military suicide if there's an unfriendly government imposed on said neighbors...worst case scenario style thinking.

I highly doubt Canada has any plans for Invading you.
K62 said:
I highly doubt Canada has any plans for Invading you.

Invading? Who knows. Wanna bet there are filing cabinets packed with defense paper work somewhere.
Gonz said:
Invading? Who knows. Wanna bet there are filing cabinets packed with defense paper work somewhere.

Considering that we have the 2nd largest oil reserves in the world, including the tar sands... I would say we better have something planned ! :D

(Oh crap! I hope bush doesn't read this! I may have given him an idear!)
K62 said:
Considering that we have the 2nd largest oil reserves in the world, including the tar sands... I would say we better have something planned ! :D

(Oh crap! I hope bush doesn't read this! I may have given him an idear!)

:laugh: good luck, his ideas are far and few between.

The think tanks are where the ideas come from.

The Heritage Foundation, Alabama Policy Institute, Allegheny Institute for Public Policy, Alliance Defense Fund, Alliance for America, Acton Institute for the Study of Religion and Liberty, American Center for Law and Justice, American Conservative Union Foundation, American Council for Capital Formation, American Family Association Foundation , American Foreign Policy Council, American Society for the Defense of Tradition, Family and Property, Americans for Prosperity Foundation, Americans United for Life, The Claremont Institute, The Christian Coalition of America, The Conservative Caucus, Inc.

and the list goes on....

The Dem. think tanks can be found here.

K62 said:
I highly doubt Canada has any plans for Invading you.

Canada had its own a lesser known plan called:

:canada: Defense Scheme Number One :canada:

i wish i could get an online version of that document, it is a little harder to find...
K62 said:
Considering that we have the 2nd largest oil reserves in the world, including the tar sands... I would say we better have something planned ! :D

(Oh crap! I hope bush doesn't read this! I may have given him an idear!)

Be careful...we may go nucular on yer ass
Leslie said:
hockey sticks and trees

Thousands of soldiers trampled to death after following the smell of maple syrup and pancakes in to the woods. Moose hoof prints were found on many of the bodies. One official was quoted as saying it was the most deadly natural disaster to face US troops in quite some time.