One of those funny little things...


New Member
My neighbour and good friend Nigel had this "mystery" parcel arrive for him the other week - turns out it was a PSU from Simply Computers for a Mr Glen Smith (who??!).

He just left it in his hallway, thinking that eventually either Simply or Mr. Smith would be in touch.

Well anyway... a month has passed since then and yesterday Nigel's PC died. Turned out the PSU had given up, so I replaced it with the "God works in mysterious ways" one and all is well.

Heh. :D
heh ... Nigel .. is that English? *sorry - I had a "Hook" moment*

why'd the postman leave it with Nigel? That was kinda lame ...
Yeah, very cool. He is pretty strapped for cash at the moment so that helped overcome the moral implications, LOL.

No idea why he got it in the first place. Obviously some kind of cock up by Simply or by the courier. "Nigel" is a very English name, huh? :D