one quick question

didn't you ask this about a week ago?
answer: walking around my house in pajamas wearing cowboy boots while my folks put together my bunk beds. I have scattered bits and pieces too that my Mom says are from way younger.

what's your favorite genre of music?
tommyj27 said:
didn't you ask this about a week ago?
answer: walking around my house in pajamas wearing cowboy boots while my folks put together my bunk beds. I have scattered bits and pieces too that my Mom says are from way younger.

what's your favorite genre of music?
is rock too generic? i am having this jones for acoustic-y music these days...i love acoustic guitar and harmonicas...also been listening to alot of louis armstrong recently...and ella that's not rock....oops :D

if you could relive one moment of your life and do it again, would you? would you change anything or just relive the moment?
yes, would i change it? yes. there aren't many skeletons in my closet but i've gots me a few.

what's better? flowers, chocolate, or cash?
tommyj27 said:
yes, would i change it? yes. there aren't many skeletons in my closet but i've gots me a few.

what's better? flowers, chocolate, or cash?
i'm partial to is nice...but awkward :D

when was the last time you told a lie? share?
yes. I enjoy
Samurai Jack
YuYu Hakusho
Flame of Recca
Vampire Hunter D
Brak Show
Aqua Teen Hunger Force
Grim Adventures
Rurouni Kenshin
Transformers(first series)
among so many more

Style of music?
Unsafe at Any Speed: the Chevrolet Corvair

Have you ever baked bread?
Right now - been spending a week at home (mostly in the garden) and off at the river - almost broke my damned leg jetskiing on Tuesday.

Off to the coast on Monday - going to the Hibiscus Coast (South Coast of KZN) and then on to the Eastern Cape.

Having fun?
Oz said:
Yes - and this time it's legal.

Can you peel an onion without crying?
usually, but sometimes they are too powerful for even me!...actually, there are a few tricks...eating onion while cutting helps but it's murder on your breath...chop near a running faucet helps, also try to cut the root side off last...and when the tears get to you stick your face in the frezzer...helps everytime.

favorite old tv series?
Hell yeah, if I thought they really did it.

Ever destroy something just for the fun of it?
PuterTutor said:
Ever destroy something just for the fun of it?

Does taking something apart to see how it works and not being able to put it back together count? :D Yes.

If you had to choose one musical artist to listen to for the rest of your life, and no other music at all!, who would it be?
PuterTutor said:
Hell yeah, if I thought they really did it.

Ever destroy something just for the fun of it?
yupyup...old broke stuff...mostly to cannibalize for parts or supplies...but sometimes for fun
favorite old TV series?

If you found a diamond necklace would you hand it to the police or try to sell it?
Oz said:

If you found a diamond necklace would you hand it to the police or try to sell it?
hmmm....neither...i'd place an ad in the takers? i'd prolly keep it or give it to someone who appreciates that kind of thing.

you find $150 cash laying on the floor in a public place? what do you do?