
Another "non-violent" protest sympathizer/proponent ...


Fort Collins man arrested as arson suspect in $10 million downtown fire
By Kieran Nicholson
The Denver Post

A Fort Collins man has been arrested as a suspect in a $10 million fire along Mason Street in downtown Fort Collins.

Benjamin David Gilmore, 29, was taken into custody Thursday night.

Gilmore appears to be the same person who recently appeared before the Fort Collins City Council to ask that Occupy Fort Collins protesters be left alone. He was arrested for suspicion of first-degree arson, burglary and criminal mischief in the blaze that destroyed a condominium complex under construction and damaged a complex next door.

Dressed in a black t-shirt and wearing black gloves, a person identifying himself as Benjamin David Gilmore appeared before the City Council Tuesday and used an anecdotal "story" about playing cards with a 5-year-old who wins every hand.

"The name of the game isn't Texas hold 'em, it's not five-card draw. It's 'I win!' "

"Occupy members in Fort Collins are being cheated by banks, who like the 5-year-old, always win, Gilmore said, because the "rules are changing all the time."

Gilmore hit an emotional moment during his comments, when he paused to take a deep breath and his voice rose as he spoke.

"What are you told to do as a kid by your abuse counselors," he asked. "If you are not having fun playing the game anymore, if you don't like the abuse, they tell us - stop playing the game."

Gilmore wove the War of 1812, the founding fathers and George Washington's farewell speech into his comments.

"Please, can you give the occupy movement permission to do what it wants," he said wrapping up. "To stay where we are."

"Please we are asking you, let us continue, let us be free."

Arrest papers available to the public do not connect Occupy Fort Collins to the arson fires, and police made no connection between the group's protest and Gilmore's arrest. Organizers could not immediately be reached for comment on Gilmore.

Kieran Nicholson: 303-954-1822 or [email protected].
god what an embarrassment those idiots are...

i wonder specifically it is that gotholic loves about them. all the government give-aways perhaps?
Oops! Caught again.


ACORN Officials Scramble, Firing Workers and Shredding Documents, After Exposed as Players Behind Occupy Wall Street Protests

By Jana Winter

Published November 03, 2011 | FoxNews.com

Officials with the revamped ACORN office in New York -- operating as New York Communities for Change -- have fired staff, shredded reams of documents and told workers to blame disgruntled ex-employees for leaking information in an effort to explain away a FoxNews.com report last week on the group’s involvement in Occupy Wall Street protests, according to sources.

NYCC also is installing surveillance cameras and recording devices at its Brooklyn offices, removing or packing away supplies bearing the name ACORN and handing out photos of Fox News staff with a stern warning not to talk to the media, the sources said.

“They’re doing serious damage control right now,” said an NYCC source.

NYCC Executive Director Jon Kest has been calling a series of emergency meetings to discuss last week’s report—and taking extreme measures to identify the sources in their office and to prevent further damage, a source within NYCC told FoxNews.com.

Two staffers were fired after NYCC officials suspected them as the source of the leaks, a source told FoxNews.com. “One was fired the day the story came out, the other was fired on Friday. (NYCC senior staff) told everyone that they were fired because they talked to you,” a source said.

NYCC spokesman Scott Levenson denied that anyone was fired for talking to the press.

FoxNews.com’s report identified NYCC as a key organizing force behind the Occupy Wall Street protests. Sources within the group also told FoxNews.com NYCC was hiring people to carry signs and join the protests. NYCC -- a nonprofit organization run almost entirely by former ACORN officials and employees --did not reply for comment prior to the publication of the initial article, but later posted a statement on its website dismissing the article and denying that it pays protesters.

A source said that immediately following publication of the FoxNews.com report staff were called into the Brooklyn office for meetings headed by NYCC’s organizing director, Jonathan Westin. Westin handed out copies of the article and went through it line-by-line, the source said.

Staffers were also given copies of photos of Senior Fox News Correspondent Eric Shawn and three other Fox News staff members, including this reporter.

“They reminded us that we can get fired, sued, arrested for talking to the press,” the source said. “Then they went through the article point-by-point and said that the allegation that we pay people to protest isn’t true.”

“‘That’s the story that we’re sticking to,’” Westin said, according to the source.

The source said staffers at the meeting contested Westin’s denial:

“It was pretty funny. Jonathan told staff they don’t pay for protesters, but the people in the meeting who work there objected and said, ‘Wait, you pay us to go to the protests every day?’ Then Jonathan said ‘No, but that’s your job,’ and staffers were like, ‘Yeah, our job is to protest,’ and Westin said, ‘No your job is to fight for economic and social justice. We just send you to protest.’

“Staff said, ‘Yes, you pay us to carry signs.’ Then Jonathan says, ‘That’s your job.’ It went on like that back and forth for a while.”

During the meetings, NYCC Deputy Director Greg Basta provided Westin with the copied photos of Fox News reporters to hand out to staff members, the source said. Basta told staffers they might be asked about the article when out in communities working on campaigns or when calling people by phone, the source said.

“They told us if people bring up the article, we’re supposed to say the source and all the stuff in there came from a disgruntled ex-employee who’s not working with us anymore.”

NYCC is also monitoring its staff’s behavior, cracking down on phone use and socialization. Officials have ordered all papers -- even scraps -- to be shredded every night, the source said.

“And all the supplies—everything around the office that said ‘ACORN’ -- is now all in storage until this blows over,” the source said. “People literally have to cover up the cameras on the back of their cellphones in the office.”

“Now there’s no texting in the office, no phone calls in the office. They tell us to take our phone calls out into the waiting room where there’s an intercom, and then they turn on the intercom to hear our conversations. They’re installing new cameras and speakers around the building so they can hear everything.

“It’s almost like working at Fort Knox.”

NYCC officials declined repeated requests to respond to specific questions about the organization’s response to last week’s story. The group on Wednesday instead sent this statement, attributed to NYCC board member Jean Sassine:

"New York Communities for Change participates in protests, direct action, social activism and campaigns that promote social and economic justice. We see FOX as the enemy to those efforts. For the record, this is consistent with Fox attacks on Van Jones, Shirley Sherrod, George Soros, Citizen Action, Planned Parenthood and all those who stand for social justice. Once again, FOX entertainment poses as FOX News. Once again, FOX makes a series of false, unsubstantiated claims and accusations which have no basis in fact. Once again, through a series of sources FOX structures a story which is nothing but a series of lies."

Westin did respond to some questions a day earlier, when approached by FoxNews.com at an NYCC event in Manhattan.

When asked if a staff member was fired because people thought he’d talked to the press, Westin said, “I have no idea.” When asked about handing out photos of Fox News employees, he said, “I have been? No, I don’t think I have been. That wasn’t me.”

Westin did acknowledge NYCC staff have met to discuss last week’s report. “People talked about it,” he said. “People are interested.”

He also deflected a question about the allegation that staffers were being told to blame the report on disgruntled staffers, telling this reporter to contact him later via email.

Responding to reports of pushback from staffers who said they were being paid to go to the protests, and reports NYCC had recently hired people as canvassers or organizers and then sent them to the protests, Westin replied repeatedly “We don’t pay people to protest.”

Westin later did not reply to two emails asking for follow-up.
wow these twits are really doing a number on the left. how stupid do they want to look? apparently quite stupid. though i'm beginning to suspect they are being funded secretly by right wing extremists, in order to make the left look stupid. just like the american nazi party and greenpeace are actually funded by the left and the right, respectively, for the same purposes.
right, except that my comments are stink-spoofery...

besides, i ain't into chubs. i can still pull fresh and tidy twinks, so i don't have to settle like jim does. :bgpimp:
sink it in the pink

Everyone wants fresh and tidy twinks
the fresher and tidier the better
Learn It, Live It, Love It

Metaphysics: Objective Reality
Epistemology: Reason
Ethics: Self-interest
Politics: Capitalism
ultimately these wall street protesters will be immaterial. they are weaklings, and fluff.

just wait until la rivoluzione fascista. then shit'll get fucked up.

yes, the indigenous peoples have gone berzerk.

"ummmph. brother ogmo... your after shave... it strikes a distinctively communitarian vibe... must suspect rotting fish in denmark..."
OWS demands free stuff but when you give it to them they reject it based solely upon who is doing the giving. Perhaps if it was Michael Moore who built the museum it would be more acceptable to them.


Occupiers Protest Free Art Museum to Bash Wal-Mart
Alice Walton, Wal-Mart heiress, criticized by Occupy Wall Street for giving $1.4 billion to found Arkansas art museum.

By Julia A. Seymour
Monday, November 21, 2011 5:04 PM EST

The incoherent and absurd messaging of the Occupy Wall Street movement continues. Recently, the OWS crowd joined forces with Wal-Mart workers to protest Crystal Bridges, an American art museum that opened on Nov. 11 in Bentonville, Ark.

Art snobs are outraged by the notion of a major art collection in Arkansas, but protesters are trying to tie this in with their class warfare message about the 99 percent vs. 1 percent.

In a press release posted on GalleristNY.com, protesters said, "Workers negatively impacted by Wal-Mart's recent decision to increase healthcare costs for employees will hold educational events across the country at the Occupy Wall Street encampments in multiple cities putting a face on the Walton family as the '1%' of wealthy Americans making decisions that negatively affect the rest of us." Gallerist was clearly on the side of protesters since they also called Walmart a "notoriously terrible employer."

The UK's Guardian also took shots at Alice Walton, the Wal-Mart heiress and founder of Crystal Bridges, who spent $1.4 billion on the museum. "Some have celebrated the unveiling of a significant new private art institution, but many have criticised the decision to spend $1.4bn of company and family foundation money as the retail colossus cuts back its worker's benefits," wrote the Guardian.

Citing unnamed 'historians,' the Guardian compared Walton to "19th-century robber barons" and quoted anti-Wal-Mart activist Ben Waxman (of "union-affiliated Making Change@Walmart"). Waxman complained that "opening a huge, opulent museum in the middle of nowhere while the company is cutting health insurance for its employees is troubling. It sends the message Wal-Mart doesn't care about them."

The Guardian either ignored or excluded crucial information about the Crystal Bridges museum: general admission is FREE. That's right, a grant from Wal-Mart is paying for everyone's admission to the permanent exhibits at the new museum. Perhaps OWS forgot to read the FAQ page on the Crystal Bridges website that pointed this out. Art that is free for anyone to look at seems like it would be on the OWS wish list, but apparently not when the person paying for it is named Walton.

Alice Walton told CBS News her motivation for founding Crystal Bridges: "Art wasn't accessible to me as a child and I hope that changes now for people throughout this region." The museum will include iconic pieces of American art including Norman Rockwell's "Rosie the Riveter" and a Charles Wilson Peale portrait of George Washington, according to The Washington Post.