OTC Slogan Ideas


Staff member
Anyone have some good ideas for an OTC slogan? We're going to be opening up a store which will be selling items with our logo and slogan on them, on such things as T-shirts, thongs, coffee cups, and possibly more. Well, we've got the logo, but not a slogan.

The prize for the slogan we choose? A free T-shirt, $17.99 value! So, let's hear 'em. :beerbang:

Remember, the slogan will be placed on all (or most) of the store items, so make sure they'd be suitable to buy and catchy.
RANDOMISED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (seeing as how that happens here a lot)

or theres

the most random place on the internet
:mope: but but but that means ill have to buy something that isnt black!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! unless its tyedye which im also a fan of.
If it was on topic we'd piss ourselves.

OFF topic...so fucking what?

OTC or a life? Choose.
"It's tasty."

"OTC in the morning. Refreshing."

"Off Topic Central... um, how 'bout those (insert sports team here)?"

"Would we lie?"

"Off Topic Central: Impurity Guaranteed" (inspired by Aquafina bottle)

"OTC: No squirrels. All nuts."

"The best way to waste time on the internet."

"The best way to avoid work."

"The best way to meet new people, and laugh at them." (maybe not)

"Off Topic Central: Better than looking at a blank screen all day."

"Ok, stop me if you've heard this one..."
You know guys, I had no idea what you were talking about in that other thread when you suggested that I put that line in as a slogan :laugh: Now I know what you meant.

What I said was:

"Maybe what's missing in your life is us. Which is why you come back again and again."

While I'm not so sure it's a good slogan for OTC, I thought I should elaborate. :)