Our schools and the retardedness that prevails


New Member
I was listening to the radio the other day and the DJ's were talking about the stupid things that school are doing in attempts to protect our children. The first story was about a little 6 year old girl who found a plastic baggie on the playground and decided to fill it up with pieces of grass and dirt and give it to her friend as a present. The teacher saw the baggie and confiscated it as she thought it was a bag of marajuana. The principal agreed with the teacher and tried to suspend the little girl. Well, any idiot can tell the difference of drugs and blades of grass (or so you would think) and they decided to reduce her punishment to 2 1/2 days suspension for making a drug look-a-like. Seriously. That little girl prolly had no idea what pot looked like or maybe even was, until now and they punished her.

So the DJ's started taking calls. One father was acctaully arrested at his work and taken down to the police to department to investigate a bruise on his 7th grade son's leg. The kid had no idea where it came from and told all the teachers and the police that his dad didn't do it. WHen the father got there, the kid showed him the bruise in question. The father looked at the bruise, licked his thumb and wiped away ink from an exploded pen that was in the boy's pocket the day before.

I also read an article about a woman that went to jail because child services was unable to get a hold of her daughters doctor (god forbid he be busy) to confirm that she had birthmarks on her back that resembled bruises. The parents were thrown in jail, the children taken out of their home to stay with strangers, and when the doctor called to confirm that yes this little girl was not beaten and had birthmarks, child services STILL waited to see if they weould fade away.

RIdiculous. Yes we should pay attention to the children to ensure their safety, but when you accuse a father of beating his child, make sure that the bruise is really a bruise. Kids get bumps and bruises, that is in the cards for all normal children. They fall and skin their knees right in front of parents and there is nothing you can do besides make sure they have their shoes tied.

Just some rants and thoughts.
Yeah, teachers need to beable to tell the difference between normal childhood injuries and abuse...normally EXCESSIVE injury...not ONE friggin' bruise! Plus, with the little girl with the birthmarks...if they were bruises she'd have been in pain if they pushed on them MORE than likely...jeez...COMMON SENSE people!
On the other hand, folks who beat their kids daily take a walk if the house is clean when DFACS shows up. The key thing is that due to risk of lawsuit, you can't use judgement anymore. Follow procedure at all times, and use the standard checklist, lest ye be in court.

That leads to things like being forced to walk away from an abuser's home if it's clean, and having to bring in the police for a single unexplained bruise. Once again, I blame the lawyers.
I am simply amazed by the stories that I see and hear. I think that people are WAY too sue happy and also too afraid of being sued.

A few years ago Alex and my sister were in the backyard swinging a baby swing with a plastic doll in it. I was sitting on the back porch watching them and they were plainly in my view. The doll flew out of the swing and hit Alex in the face. Poor thing had a little bruise on her cheek and some tears to go with it. A few quick hugs and giggles and they were off playing again. This is a normal childhood bruise. My ex wanted to call social services cause he thought I did it to her even after Alex expalined through a few giggles about the incident that the doll had made the bruise. He said I should have been paying better attention. I watched the whole thing happen and there was no time to pull a super hero mother move and light speed to the swing to catch the doll flying through the air.

This whole situation was immediatly dropped when he was in the other room with a beer and Alex and his sister were playing tickle war in the house near a glass coffee table and Alex cracked her head open and was taken to the ER to have a metal staple put into her head.
this is just crazy....spending this much time on stupid stuff like this is what keeps the people from noticing actual abuse......with any logic you look for less physical signs for stuff like that, quiet, wearing jeans and full sleeve shirts in the middle of summer, refusing to play...that kind of thing, but not one bruse on a leg, that's just normal kids stuff
I remember going to school with sprains, bruises, half the skin on my knee cap torn off, fat lips, and a scraped up face and no one ever thought anything besides that I was a clusmy NORMAL child.

What are we sposed to do, put our children in a chair to sit in at all times to avoid any sort of injury? Ugh. Kids get hurt. Period.
PrincessLissa said:
What are we sposed to do, put our children in a chair to sit in at all times to avoid any sort of injury? Ugh. Kids get hurt. Period.
exactly! no one ever got heard sitting on their ass playing mario brothers.

in fact we had a case around here that some teenage boy kicked the bucket at football try outs (or was it practice?). apparently, he had never been active but wanted to be on the team so bad thinking it would make him cool. the shock to his system just killed him.
*jaw drop*

How could a parent let their child who is otherwise healthy become SO inactive that a try out for an athletic team would kill him? As a child I was forced to go outside and play. We always neighborhood parents that would come and play baseball or watch us rollerblade or something.

That is so sad.
in fact we had a case around here that some teenage boy kicked the bucket at football try outs (or was it practice?). apparently, he had never been active but wanted to be on the team so bad thinking it would make him cool. the shock to his system just killed him.

PrincessLissa said:
*jaw drop*

How could a parent let their child who is otherwise healthy become SO inactive that a try out for an athletic team would kill him? As a child I was forced to go outside and play. We always neighborhood parents that would come and play baseball or watch us rollerblade or something.

That is so sad.
Is it certain that the boy died because of his previous inactivity? There are cases where kids who are otherwise healthy suddenly die doing sports (also adult soccerplayers). Is it possible that he had an unknown heart failure?

Regardless, I agree completely that parents need to drag their kids out if necessary, and let them figure out what their body was made for -moving.
Starya said:
Is it certain that the boy died because of his previous inactivity? There are cases where kids who are otherwise healthy suddenly die doing sports (also adult soccerplayers). Is it possible that he had an unknown heart failure?

Regardless, I agree completely that parents need to drag their kids out if necessary, and let them figure out what their body was made for -moving.
i seem to remember that it was undiadnosed asthma. having never engaged in any breathing shortening activity it was unknown...i don't know that i believe this as fact because i would think seasonal pollen or whatever would have aggravated the asthma. but dead the kid is.