Owww!! dammit


Well-Known Member
I was just trying to solder my ghetto trash-picked JVC speakers. Now I have a large blister on my finger. The skin all around it is red. I knew I should have picked it up at the other end, where the plug comes out.
:( :( :(

Hey Altron,
if you smash your finger on the other hand with a hammer now,
it will make that not seem so bad.:D
Hmm... what other "adventures" did I have in my basement.
Oh, another litte "encounter" with the soldering iron. I have this little metal stand for it. After having my iron on it for awhile, I picked up the iron and unplugged it. Then I procedded to pick up the extremely hot stand. And there was naother time I decided to see if the huge blob of solder I had made was still warm. Let's just say if you look at it there is a large finger print ;)
I have had a few experiences where my dremel/other cutting device slipped and trimmed my fingernails.
Also working on my computer I had a 50mm holesaw spinning on the 1mm zinc plated steel for like 5 minutes. as soon as I finished I immediately touched the piece of steel I cut to see if it was hot. Another burn mark.
I've cut big gashes in my fingers with knives...
I got a steel splinter (also the result of dremel and steel) but I pulled it out.
There was a radiator (actually a condenser, it was in the phase changer in my dehumidifier) that I hurt my hand on. It was similar to this. "Hmmm... I wonder how sharp this is?"
After that I had a series of parallel scrapes about 1/8" apart running down my whole hand.
I once released butanic acid vapors into the school. It smells awful. In fact, they let teh school out 20 minutes early because of that and I got into some trouble. :eh:
I dropped some sulphuric acid on my hand once a long time ago ~ burnt and hurt like shit and I still have the scar ~ luckily there was some bicarb handy.... :eek:
Nooo, don't neutralize it... Rinse it under flowing water...

I had some 18 molar nitric acid drip on my arm in high school. It burns like hell, and I still have little mark on my arm.
Jerrek said:
Nooo, don't neutralize it... Rinse it under flowing water...

I had some 18 molar nitric acid drip on my arm in high school. It burns like hell, and I still have little mark on my arm.

I did both... I don't remember what the molarity of the acid was my memory doesn't extend that far...
hydrogen, sulfur, and oxygen (my recent project has been memorising periodic table of elementas, got the first 36 down...)