Owww!! dammit

I had a battery blow up on the one time.
Acid in the eyes is no fun.
I've had so many thing happen to me, I'm just one big scar.:p
Guess that why I find these things funny.:D
i generally try to stay intact, though a trip to go climbing isn't complete if i don't draw blood
I was vioding the warranty on some power supplies, and cut my finger on it.
And the damn paint won't stick to the damn PSU, really pissing me off, plus the cut :mad:
Altron said:
And the damn paint won't stick to the damn PSU
you have to sand them or prime them first....or else use something besides finger paint :retard:
I sanded it, I scraped everything off with knife, it is still not sdticking...
dammit, its in the computer, and I don't have a window, so who cares.
I still need to work on my ghetto fanbus.
Or try using an enamal oil based paint instead of latex based. Latex paints don't like to stick to metal.
Altron said:
dammit, its in the computer, and I don't have a window, so who cares
You sanded it and painted it while it was still inside the case? WTF???:retard:
I am trying to keep the total cost to $0, and don't want to break my record so near the end...

I took it out of puter, cut off "Warranty Viod If Removed" sticker, then painted it. Then I realised I still had the big Morex sticker on it, only it was gold. Sanded that off, then the problems started.
I have gained a new appreciation for removable motherboard trays, thumbscrews, too-less chasis, and round IDE cables through this project.
I hate to be the one to break it to you....but unless you stole that sandpaper and paint, the cost exceeds $0
Once I knocked a live soldering iron off a bench and instinctively grabbed it to stop it falling. :rolleyes:


Had a nice Philips-head screwdriver burn on my hand for a bit...
Q said:
I hate to be the one to break it to you....but unless you stole that sandpaper and paint, the cost exceeds $0

I think basically what he's saying is that he's using stuff which is available at home that someone else paid for i.e. Dad/Pop. :)

If it was my gear he was "borrowing" I wouldn't be too happy by the sound of things though...
I have tons of stuff laying around. You have access to tons of stuff your dad has laying around.
Let's see...
I used a bunch of my dad's tools, and a bunch of my own, but these are the consumable materials borrowed from my dad
A bit of old solder (His soldering gun is broken, what does he need it for?)
2 cans spray paint
masking tape
a few bits of wood
duct tape
a bit of window screen
a few inches of 16 gauge speaker wire
a small sheet of 40 grit sandpaper
5 Dremel cutting disks (I now offically HATE 1mm zinc plated steel)