Pain, Lots of Pain


New Member
Ok, I have an... interesting hand condition that causes incredible amounts of pain along with some swelling, yadayada... Anyways, aside from prescrips, anyone have any thoughts?
Not without more details. Swelling can be treated via RICE - Rest, Ice, Compression and Elevation, but not the pain.

Any idea what the hell the root cause is? If not, time for a doc's visit.
I know what it is, but I can't find any info on it.... If I remember right he said it was something right along the lines of Madelines Disorder or something like that. Crazy rare or something but what it did was keep one of the bones in the arm growing when it was supposed to stop so it pushed the bones of the wrist and elbow out of whack... In theory they really shouldn't work at all but for some reason do. By the by, cold at all makes it incredibly worse.
Pagets is more of a brittle bone disorder than what Liliandra describes.
is the bone still growing? can it be surgically reduced? physical therapy?
i couldnt find anything on Madelines Disorder either.

I hope not...that may be cancerous. Sorry if I'm scaring you Lil...but better to err on the side of caution.
Not any of those, sorry to dissapoint... It's not still going, but the position it did stop in caused the bones in the wrist to be in a ... not so good position. Both wrists basically have a large bump on the outer side of the bones. If you feel the wrist you can tell that the bones are wrong (like you can pick one up that's on the bottom side and move it lol). It's not a cist or anything cancerous so no worries there.
Is cold is killing you, then it may be a circulation issue. Apply heat to it when you can; outside of that, use a topical painkilling oinment .. Tiger Balm, Blue Emu, CVS house brand pain relief cream... etc. Those kinds of things do wonders and provide a good deal fo short term relief. I would personally suggest Tiger Balm. If you can't find that, look for something with all three of these at once: camphor, menthol, and methyl salicate. The ones with pure capsacin may be too darn hot and be pretty tough to remove.
Blu Emu is the original brand name... aka expensive as heck. They have apparently lost their patent as knockoffs at less than half the price have started coming out. The best knockoff so far is called Blue Goo. Its the same thing as Emu except with a little menthol in it for that low key warmth.