People who hide behind the Internet


New Member
The Internet is a wonderful thing, but people hide behind it to take cheap shots at people, look for young people to take advantage of, and planning acts of terrorism.

That makes a wonderful thing that could benefit all, not be so wonderful.
The internet has given me loads of wonderful friends--a large number of whom I've met several times. I think the 'net is a wonderful place.

Note: Spam and con artists not included. LOL
Unfortunately, the people I actually like that I meet online NEVER liver closer than 1 or 2 THOUSAND miles away.

Umm.. ONE exception - my current BF ;)
Where is this discussion going, I have seen a couple of replies. If we want freedom, then we have to put up with jerks and such people on the net. If we want security, then we give up freedoms.

The Internet has been used by terrorist and pedophiles, so why don't we charge them with wire fraud or telephone fraud or some other law that is on the books.

How many of you realize that the NSA looks for key words on the Internet? All communications in states is monitored and the gov. lets us know about it all the time.*piss2*

Where is this discussion going

Welcome to the world of OTC, where off topis is standard.

some other law that is on the books.
We have a city full of lawyers making new laws every year so that they can make themselves seem needed. We had plenty of laws 150 years ago. More than enough 75 years ago. Too many today. We expect people to serve time for mistakes yet allow predators & animals to walk free because of lawyers.

The ACLU & NAMBLA join forcs to beat us from the inside. Terrorists are using our laws & our media to wear us down with victory in their sights. Until we shift our sights from pure consumer driven empty shell lives & to things that matter, like family, community & friends they'll continue to beat us down because we won't have time to stop & pay attention.

It ain't the internet. It's us.