Percent of adults who are overweight or obese by state

If it weren't for that damned Chalres Barkley, Alabama woun't have been so fat. Isn't Michael Jordan in NC?

BMI= :bs:
you're absolutely correct that BMI is a skewed measure, however, "skewed measure" may be used by those that are fat to rationalize their fatness, and make no mistake about it, america is FAT AS SHIT.
you're absolutely correct that BMI is a skewed measure, however, "skewed measure" may be used by those that are fat to rationalize their fatness, and make no mistake about it, america is FAT AS SHIT.

Keep the guvmint outta my fat. It's none of their bizness.
Keep the guvmint outta my fat. It's none of their bizness.

sure. i don't think the gubmint should tell you what to eat. but i don't want to pay higher 'averaged' health insurance costs because of your (presumably) fat ass either. hmmm.... maybe i should start smoking to even things out...

Eat me.

truth hurts, eh?

it might be more interesting to see the data cut more by metro area or even zip code.

it's very noticable when i leave here how fat people elsewhere are... just gotta go a few miles outside the city and... might as well be bumpkinville, kentucky. but then i live in an area that's educated, secular, and fit. hmm... those things seem to go together.


yeah i'm just jerkin' yer chain.

sure. i don't think the gubmint should tell you what to eat. but i don't want to pay higher 'averaged' health insurance costs because of your (presumably) fat ass either. hmmm.... maybe i should start smoking to even things out...

I love the irony of it all. We take a communist idea (insurance) to the point that we take on other communist government controlled rations on our food.

I clearly remember the early 80's. There was this new thing going around, called HMO (Health Maintenance Organization). Companies were getting a break on their insurance costs because HMOs, using factory style churn-'em-out facilities (PAs & RNs in place of physicians) would not only treat problems, they'd allow the insured to get routine check-ups (kinda like a car tune up). Better health care for all.

The standard insurance companies were ranting & raving about it driving up the costs. "How can that be so with $5.00 office visits. Those greedy old insurance compamies just want their money to stay in their own pocket."

25 years later, we have Govrenment run NATIONAL HEALTH CARE as a high priority in Congress for on a gigantic group of people who are soon retiring, on MEDICARE (oh look, national health care). It's not fair that some babies get treated differently than others (dads? hell no, we have unknown sperm donors). Do you want the same people treating your kidney disorder as run your DMV?

For the record. Health insurance is, and always should be, an option you can pay for out of your pocket & if your emplyer offers it in their fringe benefit package-enjoy it. Just stop demanding it. It's a perk, not a right.

Oh, one last matter what the TV commercial says - DON'T ASK YOUR DOCTOR. You pay them the big bucks to know these things without the help of *drum roll* BIG PHARACEUTICAL.
One more last time you go to your the bill in cash. See what health care is really costing you (it's far less than you think)
I love the irony of it all. We take a communist idea (insurance) to the point that we take on other communist government controlled rations on our food.

We have government controlled rations? No, we have all-you-can eat buffets.

One more last time you go to your the bill in cash. See what health care is really costing you (it's far less than you think)

Next time someone in your family spends a week in the hospital pay the bill in cash. Then come back and tell us how unnecessary insurance is.
Nearly 60% obesity rate? Damn...that's just scary!

Only if you go by the BMI. Hell...most bodybuilders would be obese by that standard if you don't take muscle mass into account. The best way to determine obesity is by using the bouyancy test. Hella expensive, though. The second best way is by using a system based upon 'calipers'.
Only if you go by the BMI. Hell...most bodybuilders would be obese by that standard if you don't take muscle mass into account. The best way to determine obesity is by using the bouyancy test. Hella expensive, though. The second best way is by using a system based upon 'calipers'.

Never mind the calipers - IMO a casual walk down the street will tell you who's overweight, who's obese and who's skewing the BMI chart because they're a body builder.The latter being the small minority in that statistic, I'd have to say.
We have more food than all of you...nyah, nyah, nyah, nyah, ntah-nyah.
Never mind the calipers - IMO a casual walk down the street will tell you who's overweight, who's obese and who's skewing the BMI chart because they're a body builder.The latter being the small minority in that statistic, I'd have to say.

Not really. I had a doctor 'BMI' me not too long ago. He told me I was almost obese, yet I have a 43 inch chest, 36 waist, can do 42 push-ups a minute, 32 sit-ups a minute, and run a 11:00 mile and a half. Admittedly, my mile and a half time could do with a little improvement, but if you go strictly by the BMI, you'd miss every time. There are other considerations. body fat is only 19.8% when measured by the calipers.
Haven't the slightest what my %fat would be.

I'm 6' (1.87 meters) and hover between 190-195lbs and i have to check with my taylor cause I don't measure myself regularly. ;)

I'm considered 'fat' by BMI standards, but I'm slim by 'eye' standards.