Pet Peeves


New Member
I know you have some, what are they?

Mine are:

1. Single people driving in the High Occupancy Vehicle lanes
2. People driving under the speed limit
3. Not using your turn signal
4. Expired registrations/inspections
5. People who use their back seat and/or trunk as a storage facility
6. Waiting until your guage is exactly on the E before filling up your tank
(notice how most of my peeves deal with cars!!!???)
7. people who don't know how to say "excuse me", sorry", or "thank you"
8. People who say "I want..."....It's "May I have" dammit! I work retail so this annoys me to no end

I have tons more, but I'll let somebody else speak :)
Only one, those who feel "keep right except to pass" and "slower traffic keep right" do not apply to them .It doesn't matter if you are doing speed limit stay the F*CK out of my way.
Assholes who think EVERYONE wants to listen to their kickass car stereo...They should be shot. :cuss:

People who use cel phones while driving. If I'm driving near one I lean on my horn so they can't hear or be heard by the other party... :devious:
w000t! I get a spankin' ... Do I still get it if it's not me in the left lane? I'm a proper driver, though I do go the speed limit I try an' keep up with traffic if everyone is speedin'.
I go nuts whenever my phone rings alot. I'm not a social butterfly, so I don't like the phone.
I also hate it when people try to show off like they're macho but instead they make asses of themselves, that's annoying. :cuss:
1. Cell phones in general (I used to work in a movie theater and would see an average of 3 people per show leave because their cell phones were ringing, and these were not doctors or other important people.....17 year old girls who were talking to other 17 yar old girls). Plus they sound like crap compared to a landline phone. Even the new-fangled digital phones.

2. the term "Digital audio". As soon as the human ear can process 1's and 0's and hear The Beatles, I'll beleive that "digital audio" exists. Until then, I'm listening to analog sound waves, just like everyone else.

3. Teenagers who hang out in the mall (again, movie theater experience. the theater was in the mall).

4. Rednecks in their BIG jacked up trucks with 350 V8 engines who go exactly 5 mph below the speed limit no matter where they are. ive driven these things before and if you barely step on the gas, you are going 45. LETS GO COWBOY, GET THE LEAD OUT.

5. Cheap beer.

6. Other peoples pet peeves.

rrfield said:
4. Rednecks in their BIG jacked up trucks with 350 V8 engines who go exactly 5 mph below the speed limit no matter where they are. ive driven these things before and if you barely step on the gas, you are going 45. LETS GO COWBOY, GET THE LEAD OUT.

i've found the pickup drivers are incapable of driving at anything near the speed limit. closest they get is 5 mph below.

my pet peeves.
1. SUV's- useless, ugly pieces of junk hogging MY road. :D
2. drivers that have to pull all the way to the left to turn turn right. at 3 mph. ( the main reason i dont own a gun)
3. people that cut you off and drive at 20moh, regardless of the speed limit. (the 2nd reason to remain unarmed)
4. people that stop at the end of highway on-ramps and the dolts that pull right into the 1st lane from the breakdown lane.
5. people with a sense of entitlement.
6. repeating myself
7. people that say "can i ax you sumpin'?"

there are others but they mostly deal with cars and driving....
Spot said:
i've found the pickup drivers are incapable of driving at anything near the speed limit. closest they get is 5 mph below.

Wanna make a bet ( My truck )
PuterTutor said:

"Damn that television ... what a bad picture"!
"Don't get upset, It's not a major disaster".
"There's nothing on tonight", he said, "I don't know
what's the matter"!
"Nothing's ever on", she said, "so ... I don't know
why you bother."

~ David Byrne

2)being ignorant and not trying to learn something new nor opening up the mind
freako104 said:
2)being ignorant and not trying to learn something new nor opening up the mind

That's interesting. Arrogance is annoying to me, as is ignorance, but stupidity I overlook most times. Arrogant people have the ability to change, and posses the intelligence to know that they should change, the stupid people of the world do not.
PuterTutor said:
That's interesting. Arrogance is annoying to me, as is ignorance, but stupidity I overlook most times. Arrogant people have the ability to change, and posses the intelligence to know that they should change, the stupid people of the world do not.

well many of the stupid people ive dealt with do have those but are tolerable. but when someone does something without thinking of any consequnces or says something very stupid i will not hesitate to actually say to them that is one of the dumbest things ive ever heard.
A.B.Normal said:
Only one, those who feel "keep right except to pass" and "slower traffic keep right" do not apply to them .It doesn't matter if you are doing speed limit stay the F*CK out of my way.

Here the slower traffic does keep right and that annoys the hell out of me.

also people who sit in the middle lane at 50 on a 3 lane stretch of motorwaI mean WTF is that all about? the limit is 70 on there and the wagons (trucks for the yanks) stay in the inside (left) lane and they are doing 55mph ish. The highway code says to stay in the left hand lane unless passing a slower moving vehicle and yet the inside lane is always empty, the middle lane busy and the outside (right) lane nose to tail.