PETA Mistakenly Targets Alaska Church


New Member
Not sure to tag this idiotic or moronic...
I can see somebody going to this church after the "efforts" were done and claim a victory for PETA, no mater if animals were used or not...
ANCHORAGE, Alaska (AP) -- The pastor at Anchorage First Free Methodist Church was mystified. Why was the activist group People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals chastising him? No animals are harmed in the church's holiday nativity display. In fact, animals aren't used at all.

People, however, do dress the parts - Mary, Joseph, the wise men, etc. The volunteers stand shivering at a manger on the church lawn in a silent tribute to Christmas.


New Member
the holy lamb of God??? ..just where did those 'holes' come from eh buster??? :grumpy:

well, if that ain't a water-tight case, i don't know what is ... :grinyes: