physical/personality traits


Well-Known Member
What physical/personality traits do you have that you can attribute to a particular family member?

I turned grey early like my Mom.

I'm obsessed with organizing things like my Mom.

I have a patch of hair on my belly just like my Uncle.

I'm tall like my Uncle and Grandfather.
Funny little thing I do with my lip like my dad (I can't describe it, can't make myself do it, have never seen myself do it but I know I do it and my mom confirmed this on MANY occasions)

Shaking my leg when I'm sitting like my dad

Pretty toes like my mom
I'm told I'm the spitting image of my dad, when he was younger. Right down to the early grey hair. Brilliant, erratic, tempermental.

V2.0's fast following our footsteps.

Funny enough, I was the only one in the family with double joints, but v2.0 has them, and V3.0 is showing signs of sharing that trait.
I look a lot like my mom.

I have a tilted cervix like my mom, gramma and both aunts.

I have dark dark hair like my mom and dad.

I am paranoid and find it hard to trust anyone like my mother.

Other than that I purposly try to NOT be like my mom.
I have red hair like my parents and all my siblings

I'm tall, have blue eyes, and a wide frame like my father

My face looks just like my Mom's did at this age

Have freckles like my Mom

Have a love of reading and take my coffee very sweet like my Nanny

I have a sarcastic sense of humor like everyone in my family

I'm the same height and shoe size as my sister who's 2 years my senior

There is no one in my family that has a ski-slope nose like I do.

Other than that, I'm completely different in personality than the rest of them. That's pretty much a good thing. :)
I have mom's eyebrows. (lol@nixy)
I have dad's ways of taking care of all stuff.
I'm very organized, just like my dad.
I like math, just like my dad.
I'm kinda impulsive like my mom.
I forgive, but never forget, just like my dad.
The way i clean my fingers after eating is identical to the way my dad used to do it.
No, i mean the shape of both eyebrows, i do have 2 eyebrows that never reach each other. :D

OH MAN! I was holding that back in fear of ofending you if it wasn't a typo!!!
i bear more in resemblence to my maternal grandfather than my father. my personality has the seriousness and sarcasm of my old man with the enthusiam of my ma.
I look pretty much just like my paternal grandfather. Except he didn't wear a beard.
i'm the same hight as my mom
i have my dads nose
i have a birthmark which i got from my dads side of the family
my dad says i think like my mom which is not at all
and i try to keep organized like my dad
no one in my family can figure out who i look like.

i have curly hair like my maternal grandfather.

my voice is exactly like my fathers.

i get my height from mom's side of the family.
im small built like mom
im more compassionate and empathetic like mom
i tend to say things the same way(even if not understood) like dad
if upset ill become very cold and distant like my father(dont like to show my emotions)
my voice is deeper than dads but he has a deep voice(even for a guy)
PuterTutor said:
I think I must have been adopted.

I have eyes like my mothers(hazel)
I have eyebrowS like my mother's
I am short but taller than my mother lol
I hAD my dad's color hair (brown) but I highlighted it blonde and gots black tips.
I have purdy legs like my mom
I have gray hair BUT that is from the dye they put in my hair(they messed up) like my mom (she has lotsa grays')
Skinny like my moms' side of the family
MY pinky sticks out whenever I am holding a drink(bottle, can, glass) Like my dads' side of the fam.
And some things i am not to mention :D
Oh and I get overly emotional, like when my dad let me drive his car( a camaro) I ran over a rabbit at 15 mph and I got blood and crap all over the WHITE car. I gots in trouble, not only by my dad either.
freako104 said:
if upset ill become very cold and distant like my father(dont like to show my emotions)

woah, i'm kinda like that, except that when i'm upset i take every oportunity to make the others feel like shit, i'm very good at it, but that's not something i'm proud of, 'cause i know i'm the worst asshole in this world when i'm upset.