play nicely now, i'm off for a while

orrrr.... : A member of one of the Germanic tribes of the Rhine region in the early Christian era, especially one of the Salian Franks who conquered Gaul about A.D. 500 and established an extensive empire that reached its greatest power in the ninth century.
I never heard them called fanks before and if frank thinks you're making fun of him, he might not come back..
:D I must've read it all at least 4 times trying to figure out if you were serious or goofing on him, Suz. And I never picked up on it....:retard:
Fank is pissed, just got off the phone with him. Herve said its ok though no hard feelings
frank was so upset i stayed away even longer, and nursed him as he pined in his corner for days.

as i am now returned (in part) this thread can be mulched.