PLEASE help!! I think i got a virus


New Member
Here are some problems with my computer:

1)Internet doesnt work (my IP and subnet mask was changed to

2)IPCONFIG gives me errors everytime i do something like release, renew, etc.

3)Music doesntt work... i my winamp playlist and click on a song but itll just skip skip skip skip and play nothing as if the file was deleted when its still there

4)my Norton Anti-Virus is shutdown everytime I start up the computer

5)When i scanned the computer, it said it had no viruses

6)My Device Manager is completely empty

I am using Windows XP Professional

please, PLEASE post if you have any suggestions... if I don't fix this, i will have to format my whole drive

also, please post in simple instructions and simple computer terms for i am not that good with high level computer vocabulary...

Thanks for your time
trendmicro is an online scan. No DL needed. Do you have any disks that will work as a boot disc?
for number 4, it could be simple,

when you open Norton AV, and click options at the top, there is a box to have it run at startup or not...does that happen to be unticked? if it is, give it a tick and retry.
this device manager thing is you click on it and you see absolutely nothing? no text with a plus sign beside it? it's nothing?
woDauK said:
I don't have the Nortons AV disk
Do you have Nortons installed on the computer you are on now? If so, go to create boot disks, create them and give it a shot on the other computer.
I'm wondering from all the symptoms together if you don't have something else wrong. Try this.

Take out all cards except Video. That would be the one that your monitor is connected to.

Leave the cover off and when you try to start the computer, make sure all your fans are running.

Let us know what happens from there.
With that device manager being empty, I think you're screwed. You're gonna have to try and do a repair from a windows XP CD, and if that doesn't work, start burning off all your stuff and reformat. There's not usually any other way to fix a major Windblows fuckup like that.
Take PT's advice first. I'm wondering whether it's a Winblows screwup or a hardware FUBAR (like a blown Bios or southbridge).
woDauK said:
4)my Norton Anti-Virus is shutdown everytime I start up the computer

Now this got my attention, do you mean that nav starts and then it is shutdown or it won't start at all?

If it doesn't start at all try Leslie's suggestion, if it starts but it shutdowns....

Also, try "ipconfig /all", and tell us what you see under description, 'cause it could be a problem with device manager that is causing all this, and no net card = no network.
I ran him through the ipconfig dealie before referring him here, there's a SIS 900 PCI Fast Ethernet adapter in there. He can't get it to release and renew the IP address though. He's connected to the net through a router connected to a cable modem, and when he ran ipconfig /all, I found out his gateway address is blank (usually most routers require this to be their address) - then his release/renew didn't work, so I directed him to uninstall the ethernet adapter and reboot to let windows redetect it, and that's when he found his device manager was empty