*pop* *boom*

nope, we got to pop 'em ... someone one streeet over had the really HUGE ones, professional-quality. Those were impressive!!

I love lighting the fuse, and holding the firecracker in my hand for the perfect moment of throwing it up in the air :D
I'm not really sure ... my parents buy 'em and we pop 'em :D

The aerials run in the $100s though :shrug:
:D Wow, these are awesome!

It's a pity that over here it's illegal to have fireworks without a license, we used to get awesome displays like these :)

Thanks Kuulani :)

I didn't take this one
Vortex said:
It's a pity that over here it's illegal to have fireworks without a license, we used to get awesome displays like these :)

I wonder if fireworks will become illegal in here in years to come. This new year started with 38 dead in Veracruz.
Well people we just being complete d*cks about what they did with the fire works. Abusing animals and children with them, not to mention deaths as well.

But I think that it's for the best they are against the law to have them here, it saves a lot of pain from happening :)
Fireworks are illegal here too except on the 4th of July, and then only "safe and sane" fireworks. See, over here we have these things called "dry grass" and "fires."
When I lived in Ohio we could buy fireworks if we signed a thing that said we were going to take them out of the state.

Weird loophole.
Here in Missouri fireworks are legal year round. There are some towns and cities that prohibit them, but it's usually not enforced too strictly, and not at all on the 4th of July.
You know...it just occured to me that anything short of murder is legal, providing you can afford the liscense/permit...
There's a law here in Indiana (I think it's Indiana-wide... but it may just be per-county) that prohibits the use of fireworks unless you sign an agreement to take them out of state, and even then I think it's either legal only on New Year's and July 4th, or the cops just don't enforce it during those days (which makes it just as good as being legal). I think the law's just in place to give cops some ammo to use for arrest in case someone's being a complete idiot with their fireworks, because I never see the sensible pyrotechs get in trouble around here.